Hello guys and girls!
Has been a while! Hope you're all fine.
First of all I wanted to thank you for all the love and support you're showing to my new set "That Warm Chalet" by @r_girardi which reached 2300 hearts in a few days. What can I say? All this is possibile only thank to YOU <3
I think that it's one of my best works so far and working with Roberto has been such an awesome experience! If you still haven't seen you definitely have to do it <3 -->THAT WARM CHALET
As I already told you I moved to Rome in September, I got the tattooer/piercer license in November and from that moment my life has really changed. I met so many new people and made some many awesome experiences. This would have never happened if I didn't had the courage to leave my friends and family to finally realize the one I am.
Among all the people I met there's a lady, one of the cutest creatures I ever seen, who has soon entered my life and conquered all my love and friendship: @ondinae !

The other cutie in the last pic is @zenit, I met her in Milan when we shot with Renato Buontempo and Marcel Swann and she's such a lil fun girl! And she totally deserves to be pink so show her some support!
Recently Ondinae turned pink and I really coudn't have been more happy for her! Another Italian pride in our growing family <3
What else can I tell you? I met a guy in October and we got engaged recently and I really can't be more happy about this :) After I broke with my ex last summer I was really embittered towards relationships but he made me change my mind and now we're so in love :')
He's named Leonardo but everyone calls him Fill. He's a talented tattooer and if you like tattoos you should definitely check him out!
---> Instagram: filltattooer
One other great new is that I started to tattoo too! And this is a link to a video to my first sketchbook ever and I'd be really glad if you check it out and give me your opinion about it <3
Last thing I can tell you is that there are a load of new pics incoming <3 and also two new sets, one shot by one of the best photographers here on the site, @albertine: meeting her and working with her was a true honor for me :)
So that's all for now folks! thanks to all the ones who read 'till there and so there's a butt pic
Because butt pics are always a good way to thank someone ahahah <3
Remember to show some love to my new set if you haven't already done -->THAT WARM CHALET<--
Wish you all a nice day!