Cute one by @rambo, @lyxzen @charmaine and @missy!
I have a plenty of scores I'd like to accomplish in the next year:
-First of all I want my band to have a tour outside Italy. It seems like we're planning a tour in Canada for the 2016 and a little one in England in September, and it would be so great I could cry simply thinking about it ahahah. I never went on tour but I know it's an awesome experience and I'm so bored of my life here in Italy I can't wait to do something new, meet new people, play in new places, go to parties and find out new bands.
-Then I'd really really like to find a job. Here in Italy is really hard for young people to find it because everyone need "experienced" workers, but if you don't hire me how the fuck can I get experienced? xD not to mention the prejudices italians carry about "weird looking" people like me, and so finding a job is harder than it already is... *sigh*
-I want to finish my second year of study at the University and start the third so there will be only one left and I will finally leave this place and more than everything else my parent's house. I'm an adult now and I absolutely need my spaces, but no job = no money to live in my own house.
-I'd really like to shoot more sets and improve my modeling career because at the moment it isn't working at all. No one asks me to shoot and more than everything no one wants to pay me so I can't use this passion as job. This makes me pretty sad and I hope that time will bring me the feedback I think my commitment expects :(
- At last I want to travel a lot because I suffer so much boredom and doing everyday the same stuff, hanging out always with the same people and seeing always the same places doesn't go along with my natural curiosity
I take this opportunity to thank all of you who support me and my work, you are the only one who make all this possibile :) and if you haven't already done please leave some love to my new set soulsilver now in MR :)
Thanks to all who read this far <3