I really enjoyed this blog homework by @RAMBO, @LYXZEN and @MISSY so here's my contribution :)
Actually I've always been a player since I can remember: from the first Gameboy and Playstation ever 'till nowadays, I really like spending my time playing videogames and learning about them, about their history, about their production from the drawings to the realization!
In the years I played lot of videogames on lots of consoles and there are some that really affected my way of life and made me in part the crazy chick I am :) I'll start a throwback now that touched me someway xD do you remember Spyro?
that little purple bastard made my days. And what about Rayman??
ahahah I love this game soooo much! it was so hard for a little girl xD I loved Mosquito so bad!
Then how to not rember this cute guy:
I swear I still make his noises sometimes ahahaah *follow me* ... *mkay*
But most of all, I spent (and spend) most of my time in being truly devoted to the lord Satoshi Tajiri and the greatest invention of all the times: POKèMON.
My first pokemon game was Pokèmon Red on that giant grey cubic thing named Gameboy: I still remember that day. Nidorino fighting against Gengar in the introduction, those MAXI pixels, the shades of grey of the environments, prof. Oak and the roughest choice EVER: Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur??
Omg so many memories I could cry ç_ç *wipes out tears*
Now I'm waiting my little sister to finish Omega Ruby so I can play it, I hope that little cute bag of evilness finishes it soon ...
In the meanwhile I'm refining my Pokèmon X team, so if you want to battle there's my Nintendo 3ds friend code ^3^: 0705-4632-9255
There are a few pics of my geekiness I quickly made with my phone:
If you're wondering what's my favorite pokèmon well...it is Ivysaur <3
The reasons are that it is a first generation pokèmon (the one I'm more affectionate for obvious reasons), that Bulbasaur is my favorite starter, that it's made with my favorite colors and that it's a second stage character, not a baby like the first and not even an adult like the next, and that's how I feel :) among childhood and adulthood. And to celebrate my love for this fella I tattoed it on my thigh <3
So I think is enough :) Thanks to all who read this far! I also play PS3 so there's my name on PSN: Pandabbestia3
If you wanna kill some zombies on COD or set fire to San Andreas on GTA V you're the welcome <3
With love xoxo