In getting to know me, I feel it's a good place to start with why, "PandoraNoir"?
And well, you know that one name you just can't shake? Yep. Pandora, however it wasn't something I was just dubbed by my friends oh no... there's a whole saga of my life behind the name.
To spare all the nasty details I was 20 going through a pretty brutal divorce, no court stuff thank God but the drama was heavy.
Heated words were exchanged blah blah blah... short and sweet I filed the nuclear option, true social suicide, we faked my goddamn death.
Yep. Faked my death, my family was in on it, people were told services were private, I had effectively bowed out of my life drama (short-lived though. )
Meanwhile, there was a select few people I still wanted to know that I was... well not dead. I decided to rebuild my social media under a name my ex and his friends and family would never find me under.
First name... Well I've really opened the bizarre box on this one. Pandora.
Last name... my favorite song at the time was Noir by William Control.
Boom. I'll be Pandora Noir. I blocked anyone that might spill the beans and a new life began.
Fast forward a year later, I've been obviously outed as living and stepped back into society, dating again, life is good, I'm at a local show and a girl steps out of the crowd and says to me "Oh my god, you're Pandora!"
"Uh... I mean...I guess?"
It's been 6 years now. The name still sticks, people call out, "Hey, Pandora!", my friends all float between it and my birth certificate name.
I mean, shit, if it ain't broke don't fix it.