I'm still getting used to the new SG format.....not so sure I like all of it.....don't understand why it is necessary to have the groups on the front page. And stuff is harder to find on people's profiles......like good stuff
Whatever, I guess I'll have to like it.
I have been obsessing over this eBay purchase I made on Monday for a Christmas gift for someone, because I have emailed the seller like 4 times and hadn't heard from him. So I looked up his info and called him tonight, turns out it was some simple miscommunications between us, but hopefully it will turn out okay......not being a very savvy eBay shopper, I was sure I had been scammed.
Is anyone ready for the holidays? I'm certainly not.....my boss listens to Christmas music 24/7 and I make fun of her. Just call me Miss Grinch. Maybe I'll start to get into it soon......
Whatever, I guess I'll have to like it.
I have been obsessing over this eBay purchase I made on Monday for a Christmas gift for someone, because I have emailed the seller like 4 times and hadn't heard from him. So I looked up his info and called him tonight, turns out it was some simple miscommunications between us, but hopefully it will turn out okay......not being a very savvy eBay shopper, I was sure I had been scammed.
Is anyone ready for the holidays? I'm certainly not.....my boss listens to Christmas music 24/7 and I make fun of her. Just call me Miss Grinch. Maybe I'll start to get into it soon......
we must flirt again soon...
i know this is the SG equivalent of a mass xmas card letter
but at least it has hot chicks to go with its sentiment!
sorry for the cookie cutterness but i'll get back for real later...like when my mom isn't here and i don't have to work tomorrow early...
hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...
and start the new year off with a playful, colorful bang...
or at least a pop...
but whatever you do don't shoot your eye out!
happy holidays and lots of love!
as usual i'm behind on sg. i have a plan to get ahead, but first i actually have to catch up.
i'm on sg more now that i've got a boy again. man i just don't know how it keep happening. and i am falling in love with him too. oh well. the girl thing wasn't working anyway.
bob ross freakin rules. forever. he had pet squirrels. which i'm pretty sure is illegal. but i still adored his show and tried to learn how to paint like him. it never worked. but i could TELL you how to do it because i memorized all his little sayings. i just can't DO it.
man the power of the chip hat failed me. or rather the ohio state football defense just decided to play dead because one guy got hurt. le sigh. oh well. we were undefeated up til then and beat michigan so it was still a great year.
listen to me all geeked out sports.
hope you are well darling. i am online more cause the boy is long distance. we should have another flirting session soon!
warm teasing kisses