So tonight I'm having a crisis. My mom and I are supposed to be flying to Florida on Sunday morning very early. My sister was supposed to be driving her here tomorrow morning. I get this call a little while ago that my mom has been admitted to the hospital with possible pneumonia (you should know that my mom is little and frail with bad lungs and has had cancer twice.....not the healthiest specimen).
Anyway, her regular doctor is supposed to see her in the morning and decide whether to keep her or release her. I talked to my brother (he took her to the emergency room) and he said even if he has to drive her here tomorrow night, just in time to get on the plane, he would do that. WHAT??
Am I wrong to think that someone who just got released from the hospital with breathing problems should probably NOT get on an airplane and travel for a week's vacation????? When it could easily be rescheduled???? I mean I know my mom will be very disappointed if we can't go (she really looks forward to going on trips, and we are going to see her sister that she hasn't visited in a while), but am I the only one with some sense????
I am a nurse, but ANYONE could figure this one out.
So we will see how it goes. I am kinda hoping that her doctor comes in and says "no way are you getting out of here and going on a plane!" Not to mention, here in Chicago, we are supposed to be below zero temperatures the next day or so.....not exactly helping the whole breathing thing!! So wish me good thoughts, especially if I have to put my foot down with my family and tell them that I am not comfortable with the whole thing....... In a perfect world my mom would be all better and we could go and have a great time.....but I don't think that's gonna happen by tomorrow.

Anyway, her regular doctor is supposed to see her in the morning and decide whether to keep her or release her. I talked to my brother (he took her to the emergency room) and he said even if he has to drive her here tomorrow night, just in time to get on the plane, he would do that. WHAT??

I am a nurse, but ANYONE could figure this one out.

So we will see how it goes. I am kinda hoping that her doctor comes in and says "no way are you getting out of here and going on a plane!" Not to mention, here in Chicago, we are supposed to be below zero temperatures the next day or so.....not exactly helping the whole breathing thing!! So wish me good thoughts, especially if I have to put my foot down with my family and tell them that I am not comfortable with the whole thing....... In a perfect world my mom would be all better and we could go and have a great time.....but I don't think that's gonna happen by tomorrow.

my family is a bunch of idiots when it comes to my my mom's respiratory health as well.
the xmas before last they basically made me (yes, i wussed out) drive her to the xmas eve dinner with a windchill of like 20 below!
yeh, put your foot down and squash them
you're gonna have to put your foot down if the doc doesn't say so...
big big big big big big big hugs
sorry i missed bf was coming over to pick me and i was so busy cleaning i forgot to put up an away message. i forgot i was even online. i pretty much never do that. it happens like twice a year maybe. sorry it was that particular time though.
more hugs and smooches!