I have decided I am officially tired of being overweight. This is nothing new to me, since I have been this way for many years (ever since I chose Depo-Provera for birth control for 5 years). Anyway, I am a nurse for goodness sake, so you would think I would have to practice what I preach, right??? I operate on people with clogged arteries, geez!!
I have researched all sorts of weight loss methods (surgical and otherwise), and I don't want to do any of those things!
I know exactly what I need to do (eat right and exercise, DUH!!) but I obviously have many emotional issues tied to food. So, what would them cutting up my stomach and insides help me with emotional issues?? It wouldn't. Plus, I don't enjoy vomiting.
I just need to get into the right state of mind to commit myself to changing my habits. I did Weight Watchers not too long ago, and I lost 30 pounds, but I just can't get back into that mindset. Don't get me wrong, I want to keep some sexy womanly curves, but I want to feel good about my body too. And I just don't . So, I need to kick my own ass.
Wish me luck.

I have researched all sorts of weight loss methods (surgical and otherwise), and I don't want to do any of those things!
I know exactly what I need to do (eat right and exercise, DUH!!) but I obviously have many emotional issues tied to food. So, what would them cutting up my stomach and insides help me with emotional issues?? It wouldn't. Plus, I don't enjoy vomiting.

I just need to get into the right state of mind to commit myself to changing my habits. I did Weight Watchers not too long ago, and I lost 30 pounds, but I just can't get back into that mindset. Don't get me wrong, I want to keep some sexy womanly curves, but I want to feel good about my body too. And I just don't . So, I need to kick my own ass.

Wish me luck.

til next time