Long time no post.....been very busy with my Mom being sick and trying to look at houses to buy this summer. Turns out we found one earlier this week and put in an offer yesterday and it was accepted on the first try!! Kind of exciting and nauseating at the same time, since the payments are going to be the highest we've ever paid. But...
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so i'm gonna have a birthday next week and i'm not really so pumped about it. okay, here it is....i'm gonna be 36. i don't know why i am taking this one so hard. i've never really had a problem with my age or age in general. you hear people say "age is just a number", "you're only as old as you feel", etc. well,...
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Yes my dear I'm brimming with **personality**
I think that is all the camera angle. I mean they're big but ummmm yeah not THAT big. I looked like Ember or something
I am only capitalizing because I want to be a good group owner with good net habits. You don't have to silly.
I suppose I could make excuses for being slow to update again. But I guess you just can't rush the awesomeness sometimes...
I should hope there's no one else like me. They'd be stealing my act. I'd have to sue for copyright infringement!
When you said that thing about birthday candles it got me thinking about you and me and icing and hot wax and maybe ribbon bondage and general yumminess sexy fun times
Wish I could be closer!
huggins snugglins back! plus sexy thoughts and smooches

I think that is all the camera angle. I mean they're big but ummmm yeah not THAT big. I looked like Ember or something

I am only capitalizing because I want to be a good group owner with good net habits. You don't have to silly.

I suppose I could make excuses for being slow to update again. But I guess you just can't rush the awesomeness sometimes...
I should hope there's no one else like me. They'd be stealing my act. I'd have to sue for copyright infringement!

When you said that thing about birthday candles it got me thinking about you and me and icing and hot wax and maybe ribbon bondage and general yumminess sexy fun times

Wish I could be closer!
huggins snugglins back! plus sexy thoughts and smooches

I went in to work today on my day off to attend a staff meeting (more commonly referred to as a "bitch fest"), wherein everyone proceeds to get defensive and feelings are hurt and nothing really gets resolved. One would think that a group of professional nurses could not be reduced to kids playing in a sandbox fighting over who gets the blue plastic shovel....
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the indigo girls rock my world. i want to see them in concert. they never made it to my lilith faires because cleveland was the last stop on the tour. oh well. saw sarah mclachlan twice anywho.
awwwww sorry to hear you're stuck in a petty sandbox brawl
hope this makes you laugh...
it says "meetings...none of us is as dumb as all of us"
hugs and smooches for the pretty lady

the indigo girls rock my world. i want to see them in concert. they never made it to my lilith faires because cleveland was the last stop on the tour. oh well. saw sarah mclachlan twice anywho.
awwwww sorry to hear you're stuck in a petty sandbox brawl

hope this makes you laugh...

it says "meetings...none of us is as dumb as all of us"
hugs and smooches for the pretty lady

so anna nicole is finally going to get buried, well it's ABOUT TIME! if her mother was going to file another petition to delay the burial i was gonna throw up........oh wait, she was still thinking about digging up daniel and moving them both to texas........arrgghh. i haven't heard if they decided to have an open casket or not.....i'm not sure if that's a good...
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it is just so sad that the only people that "cared" for her are the ones who now want her money.
people are so freaking selfish when it comes to funerals. it's like their last chance to stake a claim and they couldn't give two shits about what the person actually said they wanted while they were around. like all that matters is a perfect funeral and then <poof> everyone forgets all the fighting and the bullshit and emotional abuse.
and really wanting to move the son and thus taking him away from his mother's grave is so freaking low it makes me believe that that woman was an abusive selfish bitch. god that pisses me off. and really i don't care for celebrity gossip. it's just a rehashing of things i've seen in my own life.
and to be honest, i really didn't like the whole taping every last moment of the funeral. i wish that trend would stop. i didn't like it for princess di and i don't like it now. that's supposed to be sacred private stuff. and as much as it's a great story i think paparazzi and tabloid and entertainment news magazines should show more respect.
but that's me. maybe anna nicole wanted her funeral splashed across magazine covers and shown moment for moment on ET.
sorry. it's not that i hate people who watch it. it's more that i don't like the system that makes it so common. i understand the fascination. she's the modern marilyn monroe. it's just they didn't have three weeks of court tv and then eulogy cams at marilyn's funeral. she left with her mystique intact.
RIP anna nicole. and i hope your son gets to stay next to you.
ps. hugs and smooches to you lovely lady
and really wanting to move the son and thus taking him away from his mother's grave is so freaking low it makes me believe that that woman was an abusive selfish bitch. god that pisses me off. and really i don't care for celebrity gossip. it's just a rehashing of things i've seen in my own life.
and to be honest, i really didn't like the whole taping every last moment of the funeral. i wish that trend would stop. i didn't like it for princess di and i don't like it now. that's supposed to be sacred private stuff. and as much as it's a great story i think paparazzi and tabloid and entertainment news magazines should show more respect.
but that's me. maybe anna nicole wanted her funeral splashed across magazine covers and shown moment for moment on ET.
sorry. it's not that i hate people who watch it. it's more that i don't like the system that makes it so common. i understand the fascination. she's the modern marilyn monroe. it's just they didn't have three weeks of court tv and then eulogy cams at marilyn's funeral. she left with her mystique intact.
RIP anna nicole. and i hope your son gets to stay next to you.
ps. hugs and smooches to you lovely lady

I'm just wondering, does nobody IM anymore? Not that I was ever a huge IM'er or anything, but everytime I turn on my damn AIM, nobody is on there.....or they put up an "away" message and it says like 2 days or something (you know who you are
I must just be lonely or something, but jesus, I could use a little live conversation...
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I must just be lonely or something, but jesus, I could use a little live conversation...
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I work for a registry now so I fill in behind other nurses. I get to pick the places I want to work. That way I can change it around and not get bored or burned out. I have worked the er the most though.
You should come in SG chat when you are bored. Always people there and it is a fun group.
You should come in SG chat when you are bored. Always people there and it is a fun group.
it was great finally catching up with you on IM last night.
yeah i know i do that away message thing all the time but i leave it up as an open forum to hear from my bf since we've got such odd schedules and such distance between us.
man sounds like your dogs are pretty sassy!
(why is there no dog smiley??)
that is deplorable that people would leave their pets out in this cold! that makes me so <
>. sometimes i think you should have to take a class or a test or something to prove you can care for a pet. or a child. pretty much for anything that can't speak for itself.
how's the house hunting going?
i konw what you mean about character. even though i'm a freeze baby i want an old drafty house with a history. i'm in a cookie cutter apartment complex and it is the <
but i guess it's better than a crappy apt complex.
big huggins and mad lovins! hopefully we'll chat again soon on IM.
thanks for the baby thoughts!
yeah i know i do that away message thing all the time but i leave it up as an open forum to hear from my bf since we've got such odd schedules and such distance between us.
man sounds like your dogs are pretty sassy!
(why is there no dog smiley??)

that is deplorable that people would leave their pets out in this cold! that makes me so <

how's the house hunting going?
i konw what you mean about character. even though i'm a freeze baby i want an old drafty house with a history. i'm in a cookie cutter apartment complex and it is the <

but i guess it's better than a crappy apt complex.
big huggins and mad lovins! hopefully we'll chat again soon on IM.

thanks for the baby thoughts!

So we went to look at houses this weekend......the apartment lease isn't up until September, but what the hell!! Need to get to know the areas we are looking in, I guess. I may be weird, but I sure do love an OLD house....I mean creaky wood floors, original woodwork and trim, radiator heat and throw in some stained glass and OMG I may die!!!...
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I love an old house as well. The creaking and groaning comforts, for some reason.
Thanks for the lovely set comments, by the way
Thanks for the lovely set comments, by the way

that's the plan. . I let her cry on my shoulder, she admits she loves me.
Here's my pleading request.... So, it's freezing ass cold here in good ol' IL....love those midwest winters (not really). Anyway, here's my request to everyone out there.... Please bring your pets inside during this cold weather....I can't stand to think that there are dogs chained up outside with inadequate shelter and frozen water bowls during this time of year.
My sister and I just had...
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neither school nor always. I moved here after graduating....good place to start life, I heard...
Awww. that is so sad. I would have done the same thing.... I dont have dogs but if I did I'd never leave them outside in this cold, that's horrible!

I'm still getting used to the new SG format.....not so sure I like all of it.....don't understand why it is necessary to have the groups on the front page. And stuff is harder to find on people's profiles......like good stuff
Whatever, I guess I'll have to like it.
I have been obsessing over this eBay purchase I made on Monday for a Christmas gift for...
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Whatever, I guess I'll have to like it.
I have been obsessing over this eBay purchase I made on Monday for a Christmas gift for...
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hey pretty lady hope you're doing well
we must flirt again soon...
i know this is the SG equivalent of a mass xmas card letter
but at least it has hot chicks to go with its sentiment!
sorry for the cookie cutterness but i'll get back for real later...like when my mom isn't here and i don't have to work tomorrow early...
hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...

we must flirt again soon...
i know this is the SG equivalent of a mass xmas card letter
but at least it has hot chicks to go with its sentiment!
sorry for the cookie cutterness but i'll get back for real later...like when my mom isn't here and i don't have to work tomorrow early...
hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...
and start the new year off with a playful, colorful bang...
or at least a pop...
but whatever you do don't shoot your eye out!
happy holidays and lots of love!
hey sexy lady, what have you been up to?
as usual i'm behind on sg. i have a plan to get ahead, but first i actually have to catch up.
i'm on sg more now that i've got a boy again. man i just don't know how it keep happening. and i am falling in love with him too. oh well. the girl thing wasn't working anyway.
bob ross freakin rules. forever. he had pet squirrels. which i'm pretty sure is illegal. but i still adored his show and tried to learn how to paint like him. it never worked. but i could TELL you how to do it because i memorized all his little sayings. i just can't DO it.
man the power of the chip hat failed me. or rather the ohio state football defense just decided to play dead because one guy got hurt. le sigh. oh well. we were undefeated up til then and beat michigan so it was still a great year.
listen to me all geeked out sports.
hope you are well darling. i am online more cause the boy is long distance. we should have another flirting session soon!
warm teasing kisses
as usual i'm behind on sg. i have a plan to get ahead, but first i actually have to catch up.
i'm on sg more now that i've got a boy again. man i just don't know how it keep happening. and i am falling in love with him too. oh well. the girl thing wasn't working anyway.
bob ross freakin rules. forever. he had pet squirrels. which i'm pretty sure is illegal. but i still adored his show and tried to learn how to paint like him. it never worked. but i could TELL you how to do it because i memorized all his little sayings. i just can't DO it.
man the power of the chip hat failed me. or rather the ohio state football defense just decided to play dead because one guy got hurt. le sigh. oh well. we were undefeated up til then and beat michigan so it was still a great year.
listen to me all geeked out sports.

hope you are well darling. i am online more cause the boy is long distance. we should have another flirting session soon!
warm teasing kisses

So tonight I am bored...I am watching the True Hollywood Story of Angelina Jolie. She is so intoxicating (mostly the pre-Brad Pitt years.....especially the "Gia" and "Girl, Interrupted" years). Nonetheless, she is beautiful, especially in HD.
Thanksgiving was good, but filled with having to work a bit on Thursday and Friday. Hope everyone else's holiday was nice. Not filled with too much family drama.....
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Thanksgiving was good, but filled with having to work a bit on Thursday and Friday. Hope everyone else's holiday was nice. Not filled with too much family drama.....

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I love Girl Interrupted. Oh my! Thanks for the comment on mine and Wendy's set by the way. I'm glad I was a bonus to you!

Okay, so I haven't posted on here in like a million gazillion years.....or so it seems. I've been kinda busy with things at home, such as trying to decide what state we were going to live in. It looks as if my husband will be taking a job near here, so we will get to stay in Chicago!!!! HOORAY!!! I really like my job here...
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hey love
sorry i was away when you came back. i just moved to north carolina and now i'm working at the ballet. it's so nice. i love it. i wish there was a little more security in the job and benefits but it's what's going to get me to grad school so i can't complain.
sounds like you've had a lot on your plate. i assumed you did when you went silent.
i'd love to hear what you've been up to. hope you are doing well. much love and a little heavy petting
sorry i was away when you came back. i just moved to north carolina and now i'm working at the ballet. it's so nice. i love it. i wish there was a little more security in the job and benefits but it's what's going to get me to grad school so i can't complain.
sounds like you've had a lot on your plate. i assumed you did when you went silent.
i'd love to hear what you've been up to. hope you are doing well. much love and a little heavy petting

it's okay i haven't been on here much for a long time either. i'm still catchin up.
no it's not stupid. online is a vortex that will suck up all your time and possibly parts of your soul...
well that's great that you got to stay local and didn't have to lose your job that you like. i'm happy for you and your hubby!
yeah i miss talking to you. i also have been avoiding the online world. but i'm making a comeback.
yes i do hope we talk sooon
mmmmmmm wet smooches. delicious. and devilious...which is what happened when i tried to type delicious. freudian slip i think
much love and warm cuddles
no it's not stupid. online is a vortex that will suck up all your time and possibly parts of your soul...

well that's great that you got to stay local and didn't have to lose your job that you like. i'm happy for you and your hubby!

yeah i miss talking to you. i also have been avoiding the online world. but i'm making a comeback.
yes i do hope we talk sooon

mmmmmmm wet smooches. delicious. and devilious...which is what happened when i tried to type delicious. freudian slip i think

much love and warm cuddles

I hope that you are well and happy whatever is going on. I send you lots of smooches and hugs!
Well I'll miss you if you aren't around here anymore. I am not on AIM much (well, pretty much never) but if I get back I've got the same name as before.
Take care, darling! Hope you are well and happy! Lots of Love!