Hey guys! Since it's National Author Day today, I thought I'd write a little post about some of my favourite books! But first I wanted to share with you some exciting news about my debut novel 'Seraphim Song'! It's now available for pre-order and will be released officially on November 16! Here's the cover art by the amazingly talented artist Mister Sam Shearon who has done art work for all kinds of amazing bands and books and more.
The story follows Will A. - half angel, half mortal and all rockstar. Left in limbo on earth, Will seems doomed to walk alone, until he meets - her. Will she be the one to change everything?
It's in the urban fantasy/ paranormal romance genre. If you're interested in checking it out, you can find 'Seraphim Song' by Pandie James on Amazon. I also just made a FACEBOOK FAN PAGE for the book if you want to keep up with what's going with it!
Now onto some of my favourite books!!
This tale follows Hiro, a pizza delivery guy by day, and a warrior prince by night in the Metaverse. This novel is amazing, it's a science fiction/ cyber-punk extravaganza with many layers going on in the story - there's hackers, computer viruses, the Metaverse, an ancient Sumerian language/ culture tie in, must-dimensional characters (in more ways than one ha) and so much more. I can't tell you how much I enjoy this book. I first read it at university when I was undertaking my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Media Studies back home in New Zealand. I took an English Literature class on Cyberpunk literature and that's where I discovered this treasure, along with being lucky enough to read, discuss and write papers on all kinds of other great cyber punk/ dystopian/ futuristic/ sic fi lit including the amazing 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' by Philip K Dick which of course was made into the ultimate sic fi flick 'BladeRunner', 'Neuromancer' by William Gibson - he's another one of my favourite authors - I'm just about to start reading his book 'Idoru' right now, as well as a whole lot of other great works. Cyber punk/ sic fi type literature and films are some of my favourites. Have any of you guys read Snow Crash or any of the other novels I just mentioned?
Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis
Glamorama is another novel with a lot of layers, there's the story on the surface of Victor Ward, a perfect model with the perfect model life. Then there's the mass murdering part. All tied in with a celebrity obsessed culture, terrorism and all kinds of delicious subtext. I adore this novel and all of Bret Easton Ellis' work that I've read so far, of course American Psycho - the film adaptation of which is one of my absolute favourite movies of all time (I love me some serial killers haha). What I really like about Mr Ellis' work is just how clever it is, not only are there a lot of elements of things often that I love like serial killers and violence, but there's just so much being said underneath everything, and a lot of the time it's unclear whether this is the reality of the story or all in the characters' head - or both!
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite
Exquisite Corpse follows the story of serial killers (surprise surprise! ha) Andrew Compton and Jay Burn and includes a whole host of interesting characters including a radio talk show host named Lush Rimbaud and his ex-lover Tran and all kinds of beautiful, gory murder. I love Poppy Z Brite's visceral descriptions of things, they're so poetic and sometimes so disgusting and beautiful all at the same time! Some other great works by Poppy Z. Brite worthy of checking out (if not all of them!) include the vampiric tale 'Lost Souls' and 'Are you Loathsome Tonight?' which is an amazing collection of short stories.
I have a lot of other favourite authors including Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Irvine Welsh, Chuck Palahniuk, Charlaine Harris, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Hunter S. Thompson, Stephen King, Bukowski, Edgar Allan Poe and about 7000 other amazing writers that I just can't think of right now!! Who are some of your favourite authors/ books?
Here are a few pics from some of my writing/ book themed Suicide Girls sets currently in member review that you can check out to fit the theme of National Author Day!
From Paperback Writer by @thelabrat
from Dark Paradise by @milloux
@rambo @missy
ps. Follow me on Good Reads if you want to see what else I'm reading!