Hey I got my sleeve started, here's a couple photos:

She's gonna be a zombie when she's finished and all blue n stuff. I can't wait. I love new ink haha. Sorry it's kinda hard to see in the pic, taking photos of your own arm is next to impossible haha. Next month the colour gets started, exciting!
Been MEGA busy sorting out my company and getting ready to launch stuff (that's right I own my own company now crazy!), getting my novel close to completion and searching out an agent, starting a film script, catching one hour planes, going to gigs, having the randomest adventures, meeting nice new people. Went to big day out last week - favourite acts would have to be dizzee rascal, it seriously rained sweat in there while he played haha gross, Enter Shikari - those boys were just so enthusiastic and amping that it was infectious - and i have never seen circle pits open up in 1 second with such perfectly timed synchronicity before haha, Battles were amazing, but I've seen them before, Anti-Flag were fun though I saw them from high up because it was too hot to go down in the mosh and besides I wanted a drink
Rage against the machine were pretty epic just because they're rage against the machine, though i couldn't really see anything from inside the swarm of sweaty bodies haha, also the sound was a bit fucked and the bass came out all distorted but it was fun times.
Also I quit my job eek haha, finish in two weeks. So excited about it, and scared haha. Trying to score heaps more freelance writing work to get me through so if you got any feel free to toss it my way haha. I think I'm gonna travel to the States soon. I can't wait. The possibilities of life are endless right now and that's just the way it should be.
Man it's hot. I've slowly become acclimatised to the weather and am loving it but maan it's hot haha it's amazing.
I made a video the other day to upload n here, but the cord from my camera to laptop is not USB, what's with that? have to go find some other crazy cord instead, so maybe soon
Lots of love and thanks for reading,
hope you are amazing xoxo
p.s. please check out my SCS set Here it'd be lovely if you could leave a comment if you liked it. Here's a teaser for you, shooting a new one this weekend, wish me luck!

p.p.s boys = trouble

She's gonna be a zombie when she's finished and all blue n stuff. I can't wait. I love new ink haha. Sorry it's kinda hard to see in the pic, taking photos of your own arm is next to impossible haha. Next month the colour gets started, exciting!
Been MEGA busy sorting out my company and getting ready to launch stuff (that's right I own my own company now crazy!), getting my novel close to completion and searching out an agent, starting a film script, catching one hour planes, going to gigs, having the randomest adventures, meeting nice new people. Went to big day out last week - favourite acts would have to be dizzee rascal, it seriously rained sweat in there while he played haha gross, Enter Shikari - those boys were just so enthusiastic and amping that it was infectious - and i have never seen circle pits open up in 1 second with such perfectly timed synchronicity before haha, Battles were amazing, but I've seen them before, Anti-Flag were fun though I saw them from high up because it was too hot to go down in the mosh and besides I wanted a drink

Also I quit my job eek haha, finish in two weeks. So excited about it, and scared haha. Trying to score heaps more freelance writing work to get me through so if you got any feel free to toss it my way haha. I think I'm gonna travel to the States soon. I can't wait. The possibilities of life are endless right now and that's just the way it should be.
Man it's hot. I've slowly become acclimatised to the weather and am loving it but maan it's hot haha it's amazing.
I made a video the other day to upload n here, but the cord from my camera to laptop is not USB, what's with that? have to go find some other crazy cord instead, so maybe soon
Lots of love and thanks for reading,
hope you are amazing xoxo
p.s. please check out my SCS set Here it'd be lovely if you could leave a comment if you liked it. Here's a teaser for you, shooting a new one this weekend, wish me luck!

p.p.s boys = trouble
Sleeve is looking nice!
shit the dogs nits of a set beautiful good luck with it