It's funny how the little simple things in life can really make a day. For instance, this past Thursday, my friend Alex and I, while we were at Ginette's party, decided to, through the card game War, re-fight various battles from World War I, including my personal favorite, The Battle of Tannenburg Forest. Hehe hehe, good times. Alex shares my passion for war memorobilia, specifically propoganda. I love war propoganda, especially World War II propoganda. I did a report Junior year of high school on Cinema Propoganda in America, Britain and Germany, which gave me an excuse to watch lots of cool movies, including Humphrey Bogart movies and Triumph des Willens.
Interestingly enough, I had actually collected this whole page of different nation's propoganda and then this whole rant about America during this past war and how it sucked and fuck Bush and how I was pissed off about how everyone, when they make fun of Germany, depict them as megalomaniacal killers, even though Russia and China under Stalin and Mao Tse-Tsung each killed more than twice as many people each as Hitler's Germany did. And from there I moved into a rant about how I thought that January 27th should no longer be Holocaust Day, rather Genocide Day, because it's not just Jewish people that have been affected by this oh-so-human of practices. Let us not forget, among others, Cambodia, Armenia and, rather recently the Kurds. From there I ended with this bitter vaugely etymological rant about how the word "holocaust" was, contrary to popular belief, NOT just for describing the Jewish holocaust, rather its been used to describe totality of destruction (and not just a "burnt offering") since the 14th Century.
And then, like the idiot that I am, after writing all of that out for probably about an hour, I accidentally closed the page. So you just get this nice little Cliff Notes version of my rant, with none of the real venom and none of the wicked cool German WWII propoganda I had put up links to, either.
Well, at any rate, it's now 6:52 am and I have to be at an iron pour at Ramapo at 12, so I think I'll turn in now. Good talking to you, hope you all have fun celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with your chocolate eggs and rabbits and jellybeans. I'm sure he appreciates your remembrance. (P.S. I'm being a douche right now because I can. I don't celebrate easter because I'm an athiest)
Anyway, regardless hope your weekend is a good one, or at the very least, devoid of herpes-infested chimpanzees that shoot lasers from their eyes. (I hate them!)
Auf weidersprechen und guten Tag,
Interestingly enough, I had actually collected this whole page of different nation's propoganda and then this whole rant about America during this past war and how it sucked and fuck Bush and how I was pissed off about how everyone, when they make fun of Germany, depict them as megalomaniacal killers, even though Russia and China under Stalin and Mao Tse-Tsung each killed more than twice as many people each as Hitler's Germany did. And from there I moved into a rant about how I thought that January 27th should no longer be Holocaust Day, rather Genocide Day, because it's not just Jewish people that have been affected by this oh-so-human of practices. Let us not forget, among others, Cambodia, Armenia and, rather recently the Kurds. From there I ended with this bitter vaugely etymological rant about how the word "holocaust" was, contrary to popular belief, NOT just for describing the Jewish holocaust, rather its been used to describe totality of destruction (and not just a "burnt offering") since the 14th Century.
And then, like the idiot that I am, after writing all of that out for probably about an hour, I accidentally closed the page. So you just get this nice little Cliff Notes version of my rant, with none of the real venom and none of the wicked cool German WWII propoganda I had put up links to, either.
Well, at any rate, it's now 6:52 am and I have to be at an iron pour at Ramapo at 12, so I think I'll turn in now. Good talking to you, hope you all have fun celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with your chocolate eggs and rabbits and jellybeans. I'm sure he appreciates your remembrance. (P.S. I'm being a douche right now because I can. I don't celebrate easter because I'm an athiest)
Anyway, regardless hope your weekend is a good one, or at the very least, devoid of herpes-infested chimpanzees that shoot lasers from their eyes. (I hate them!)
Auf weidersprechen und guten Tag,