Have you read Teenagers from Mars? Do it.
The Comic Book Liberation Army is Madison and Macons.
The Comic Book Liberation Front, is mine.
The purpose? To liberate comics as an art form, not as a geek stereotype.
You know that guy on the Simpsons? Fuck him. Hes the enemy.
Comics are art; they should be appreciated, not fetishized by our American consumerist attitude of forcing a price tag on something. They should appreciated for their artistic merit, not by their resell value, and how collectible they are.
There is a COMIC BOOK for everyone, sexier than a book and less expensive than a DVD, thinking I dont like comic books is like saying I dont like CDs or movies.
Storytelling and pictures together go back to cave paintings and pyramid etching! Comics can be more innovative than movies, and people today are being denied the raw fun of comics because of STEREOTYPES of what they are and who buys them. The CBLF will fight to bring comics to the people using our 5 point platform.
COMICS ARE ART. They should be read and enjoyed for the stimulation of your imagination, not collected like stamps or trading cards. Fuck caring about the condition of comics. Comics are entertainment; their VALUE comes from the enjoyment of reading them. Thinking of comics as collectors items is idiotic, geeks who think they will make money by fetishizing mint comics are the enemy. Comics should be read, enjoyed, and shared- not hoarded.
Fuck, I have a ton. But I dont ever plan on selling them, yes I bag and board them, but thats just to preserve them, so I can read them again. See, I read them, a lot. My room is a fucking mess. There are comics everywhere; Im always reading my old issues. I dont care if they arent in mint condition, whats important are the stories inside. I love lending out my issues to all my friends, I need to get these stories and art in my loved ones brains.
Fuck variant covers, just buy the damn book, dont judge a book by a cover. Dont fucken hoard your low print run cover, just buy the damn book and enjoy your shit. And sure for shit, dont CGC. Fuck CGC. Comic Graders Community. They can go fuck themselves, ranking comics on a scale of one to ten, and then encasing them in plastic prisons. Disgusting. Youll never read the story this way! And fuck Wizard magazine, and their Hot list and price guide, just feeding the system.
Fuck issue #1, fuck first appearance. Those are great stories but dont bust your ass and pay an arm and a leg for them, buy the graphic novel and get a ton of stories for cheap! No one wants to hear what expensive issues you got, or what you read as a kid. Buy some new shit, talk about the present. Not the past. Comics are new! New comics come out every week! Who fucking cares what you read as a kid, theres new cutting edge stuff coming out that all cool people will enjoy. What you read as a kid sucked. Some movies sucked when you were a kid too, but many new movies are good. And fuck comic movies! Sure, there are some good comic movies, but there is plenty better stories of those characters in the comics. And there are plenty of great non-super hero comics that wont be made into movies.
Fuck the thought that comics are just super heroes, or that they are just for collector geeks. There are more comics then just super heroes books created 40 to 60 years ago. There are comics for everyone to read and enjoy, and more normal people are doing just that. You can read and enjoy a few comics a month and have it enrich your life. That should be the norm. The collector geek should be the freak exception.
Fuck the fifty years of history, just grab a new issue, dont worry about what you missed. Buy an Ultimate book, dont worry about the real Marvel Universe. Just look for good stories, not continuity. Dont follow what happens to the characters, just look for talented creators on a book. Fuck the status quo, let shit grow, let it evolve.
Fuck the McComics stores that begrudgingly sell comics. You know the stores that have more merchandise and collector crap than actual comics, because comics cost less. You can tell the stores that dont get it, that dont read the comics themselves, that dont order and support the good stuff. Comic stores have a duty to connect readers to great books theyll enjoy. The chain stores dont make new readers; they dont push the medium forward. They simply try to get more money from the handful of collectors out there, selling statues and merchandise any everything but comics. Share good comics, and support good stores. Try a good comic, and share it with a friend. Try something new. If you are a collector, stop- read and enjoy what you buy and share the joy of comics. If you buy from a chain store, stop- supports a store that supports the medium. Stores that carry and suggest indy comics, stores that are selling stories NOT statues should be supported.
Hope you have/had a good one!
Haha, that rhymed.
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