Here are some strange videos I love.

- I am the wolfman.

-Happily George Bush is no longer the pres, but sadly, there will be no more shows like this.

-Awesome robot and booze commercial

-My grandfather was involved in this. I can't say any more than that. well, I could...

And this is just fucking amazing and really gives you an idea of how...
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lol that's just unnecessary!
hahaha... happy birthday to you! biggrin kiss
Ribs form a cage that supports up all that is internal, underneath a diaphragm pulses in steady rhythm, centered round a heart that pushes liquids and red plates and false hopes around my head. It all fell out last night, onto the floor where it rests now, hands still clean in the lack of an attempt to hold it all in. Sickness took up the...
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she is...cause trees need to know the facts of life
COFFEE. It's my blood.

I hear crack is a bit more costly. lollers
Everything is skipping, and I can't think straight. The world is spinning, and I am spinning, and the fluids in my head are whirling, and I think I'm going down. I'm boiling with calm rage, and coolly shivering, a nervous adrenaline fueled response to my guilt. I feel one with this joke, as it is in matter of fact my life that is gnawing and...
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I love your writing. I really do. You have to let me know when we are to have IM dates b/c I don't always log on there.

I compiled a Smiths list for your mood. wink

Talk to you soon dear...please be well.
I love the sentiment of "See? The life I've had can make a good man bad." , no? Amazing.

Yes, continue writing. You have a fluid way of going about it. smile
We can rebuild him, stronger, faster, more intelligent, we have the technology ( But do we have the will?)

I have in my life taken it upon myself to attempt an experiment in do it yourself evolution. The Idea is as follows: If I in my day to day life proceed at at least attempting to improve upon myself, through self examination, physical activity, mental...
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You're welcome...

Will the robots look like Daft Punk?
Well shit, the link is broken. That was fast.

But that horror-bot scares me! I wouldn't cuddle with her.
Tonight I am in a state of melancholia.

My room is dreadfully cold, colder still than the world outside its walls. I stepped out for a smoke and heard the sound of peepers off in the woods, down near the reservoir. I was surrounded by the smell of rotted leaves, and wet bark, and my burning cigarette. The scents danced, split off in tendrils, then...
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The drawing is amazing, btw. Wow. I love it.

Thanks for the flattery, yourself. blush

Love the blues...Bill and Jim bring it across in such a tangible way.

With Radhiohead I held strong through Amnesiac and the one after...but then I somehow just faded...I'd love to refresh myself, though.

Glad you like the list...catch up with you soon!
It has a longing feeling to it, which is pretty. ♥
I have this cool tingle just behind my eyes, a slight twinge of tension in the back of my head, a little wobble in my balance. I notice my hand eye coordination is slightly off, and my spacial awareness is occasionally impaired. At times when I feel like I would be bored and depressed, I feel a kind of empty pleasant hollow feeling. It's not...
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What kind of medication are you romancing? And respond over by me...not here...I'll never know if you've replied otherwise.

Sorry to be so demanding. But I love medication stories.
Hope you had a good night. smile
Crest and dances.

My soul is as soil,

born of nostalgia.

Time measured glacially,

In the coming and going of me.

We form the center,

the point revolves around.

I am the axis,

Fixed between the heavens.

I am the star,

illuminating consequences, a world.

I am the void,

A lie, formless and abhorrent.

Chain yourself to me,

In chains you are set free!...
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Thank you for the comment on my set "Scissors" smile

I'm full of substance.


i am drunk, forgive me for that.

I do not know where
to begin, for the beginning is no longer transparent for me. i once saw things
clearly, but time and the human mind have a way of distorting the truth. i wish
it were as simple as retelling an account of events, of actions in a place and
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Talking to Robots.

This is a voice, but it is a synthesis of a voice, not a real one, yet you can hear me, and understand. What then is real? If words spoken by a machine are understood by a biological being, is that not the same as the words spoken by a person? The truth of a thing is lost in the words....
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I have to say, the first tentative steps we're taking into space as a collective are a move in the right direction for the survivability of the species. By 2012 the population of earth will be 7 billion peoples. Soak that in for a moment. It wasn't until 1800, that the earth reached it's very first billion human earthlings. It took another 130 years or...
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I want to make sweet love to that moped.

I have mixed feelings about expanding into the final frontier. But in order for it to save earth, we ain't movin' nearly fast enough in the science department.
how 'bout this operation...you buy it and hold it for me, I'll come up in a year and grab it from ya...whadya say? Hmmm?