We can rebuild him, stronger, faster, more intelligent, we have the technology ( But do we have the will?)
I have in my life taken it upon myself to attempt an experiment in do it yourself evolution. The Idea is as follows: If I in my day to day life proceed at at least attempting to improve upon myself, through self examination, physical activity, mental and emotional challenges, then I can in some way improve upon the world. The Idea is inherently simplistic, but what it obscures in its minimalism is the exponential growth that this kind of behavior can produce. By Improving upon myself I have a direct and hopefully uplifting effect on those who are close to me, friends, family and the like, this in turn radiates outwards into my local community, then state, country, etc. Movies have been made on this subject, books have been written, though oft with some spiritual, or religious mumbo jumbo interspersed with the obvious precepts of this activity. But it needn't deter those of us that are secular, inquisitive, or skeptical. Regardless of the origins of this philosophy, it's valuable tenets are sound. Grow yourself into a strong and worthy individual capable of adaptation, inquisition (not that kind...) and rational empathy, or perhaps better, sympathy. In so doing positively effect those nearest you and an explosion of human enrichment should follow. Of course this requires that more than simply I endeavor to do so. Thus I think that it is fair of me to ask (not demand) that others follow me in this experimentation and choose to uplift ourselves and in so doing, the rest of humanity.
after all, for better or worse, I think the human race is worth it.
I have in my life taken it upon myself to attempt an experiment in do it yourself evolution. The Idea is as follows: If I in my day to day life proceed at at least attempting to improve upon myself, through self examination, physical activity, mental and emotional challenges, then I can in some way improve upon the world. The Idea is inherently simplistic, but what it obscures in its minimalism is the exponential growth that this kind of behavior can produce. By Improving upon myself I have a direct and hopefully uplifting effect on those who are close to me, friends, family and the like, this in turn radiates outwards into my local community, then state, country, etc. Movies have been made on this subject, books have been written, though oft with some spiritual, or religious mumbo jumbo interspersed with the obvious precepts of this activity. But it needn't deter those of us that are secular, inquisitive, or skeptical. Regardless of the origins of this philosophy, it's valuable tenets are sound. Grow yourself into a strong and worthy individual capable of adaptation, inquisition (not that kind...) and rational empathy, or perhaps better, sympathy. In so doing positively effect those nearest you and an explosion of human enrichment should follow. Of course this requires that more than simply I endeavor to do so. Thus I think that it is fair of me to ask (not demand) that others follow me in this experimentation and choose to uplift ourselves and in so doing, the rest of humanity.
after all, for better or worse, I think the human race is worth it.

On another note I'm proposing a personal bid for supreme world dictator. Anybody wanna help me with that?
I imagine there will be robots involved. and snappy militaristic dress uniform. and definitely Dirigibles.
Will the robots look like Daft Punk?
But that horror-bot scares me! I wouldn't cuddle with her.