Why o Why am i sooooooo very tired? I get plenty of sleep, and i see the sun sometimes, and it smiles on me, and we have tea, and it always asks me why i dont visit more? and why i put tinfoil in my windows to blot him out, and i'm like "dude, you're always waking me up when im trying to get a good days rest"! And he's all like, "but, yo hommie g, i loves you man"! And im all "Nuh-uh, secretly you're trying to give me the cancer! and if it wasnt for my bro O-zone, and that creepy dude down the street magnetosphere, i'd be totally dead by now"! and then the sun says "yeah, yeah, i know... but its the cancer of looooooooove.......uh...uh....yeah... booyah. cancer".
what am i on?
oh wait.... nothing...
what do i need to be on...?
what am i on?
oh wait.... nothing...
what do i need to be on...?