I had a couple of long days, such is my life.
I was called to a birth on Sunday. It was one that I was looking very forward to because I have become such good friends with the mama. I know that our friendship will last forever. She's very cool, a professor at one of the local Universities. She gave birth early Monday morning to a big and beautiful big baby boy. It was hard work.
I slept for 2 hours and then had a full day of appointments. It was really weird going from an amazing birth to a family of all higher educated people to an appointment with another family that is tranferring out because they think I am not taking good care of them. hmmm.... All I have to say is many women get morning sickness, it sucks ASS big ASS and it typically passes. I can't help someone unless they come to me for help and even then there is only so much that can be done. I can provide IV's, refer for meds if needed, discuss nutrition, hydration, herbs, homeopathy and just lend emotional support. But...apparently the papa feels differently. The mama was very happy with my care. Untimately they will most likely transfer to a major university hospital and have a major university hospital birth, which is very very very different than what I do. VERY! I told them that the door was open if they wanted to return and I would be happy to care for them. Who knows. It is just the first time I have had someone unhappy with my care as far as I know.
For lunch I took a trip to the capitol as one of my friends that I work with is being auditted by the state insurance plan. It totally sucks. Insurance audits almost guaranty that you will have to pay back a lot of money. Well we went to get her audit to take in and a cat had peed all over it. I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time. She had extra copies luckily. But it was damn funny. I personally thought she should give them the copies that the cat had dealt with. I mean really show them how we feel about it.
The rest of the day went very well. Saw 3 of my babies that were all in the 6wk old range. They were all so sweet. All the mamas got a little emotional as this was their last visit. It's like a break up. So bitter sweet.
So all that 2 days of busy busy me and I slept for 2 hours. ahhhhh .... crazy.
I couldn't wake up this morning to exercise. I have to go at noon.
...oh my mother... that is all I have to say. God love her.
I was called to a birth on Sunday. It was one that I was looking very forward to because I have become such good friends with the mama. I know that our friendship will last forever. She's very cool, a professor at one of the local Universities. She gave birth early Monday morning to a big and beautiful big baby boy. It was hard work.
I slept for 2 hours and then had a full day of appointments. It was really weird going from an amazing birth to a family of all higher educated people to an appointment with another family that is tranferring out because they think I am not taking good care of them. hmmm.... All I have to say is many women get morning sickness, it sucks ASS big ASS and it typically passes. I can't help someone unless they come to me for help and even then there is only so much that can be done. I can provide IV's, refer for meds if needed, discuss nutrition, hydration, herbs, homeopathy and just lend emotional support. But...apparently the papa feels differently. The mama was very happy with my care. Untimately they will most likely transfer to a major university hospital and have a major university hospital birth, which is very very very different than what I do. VERY! I told them that the door was open if they wanted to return and I would be happy to care for them. Who knows. It is just the first time I have had someone unhappy with my care as far as I know.
For lunch I took a trip to the capitol as one of my friends that I work with is being auditted by the state insurance plan. It totally sucks. Insurance audits almost guaranty that you will have to pay back a lot of money. Well we went to get her audit to take in and a cat had peed all over it. I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time. She had extra copies luckily. But it was damn funny. I personally thought she should give them the copies that the cat had dealt with. I mean really show them how we feel about it.
The rest of the day went very well. Saw 3 of my babies that were all in the 6wk old range. They were all so sweet. All the mamas got a little emotional as this was their last visit. It's like a break up. So bitter sweet.
So all that 2 days of busy busy me and I slept for 2 hours. ahhhhh .... crazy.
I couldn't wake up this morning to exercise. I have to go at noon.

...oh my mother... that is all I have to say. God love her.

My cat peed on my homework