Well Ive had a nice weekend thus far.
The hubby and I snuck out yesterday morning for a coffee and a bite to eat before the kids woke up. I love dates with him, even if they are only a quick little bite to eat. The unfortunate part of the breakfast was that I get really really sick if I eat bell peppers, like allergy sick. I ordered my food, an omelet, with no peppers and 20 minutes later the woman brings it to me and says sorry the filling was premixed and I couldnt take out the peppers. I just looked at her like really. I told her, as patiently as I could, I cant eat peppers and that I will get very ill that is why I ordered it this way. She returns 10 minutes later with an omelet with no peppers. I just really dont understand people. It was really good though, just a very long wait.Then I followed the night with going to a party with a bunch of other midwives. The food was so good. We swam. It was a really nice night.
I am really missing my children. My boys have been at their dadś for almost 2 weeks, unplanned. He kept asking for more time. His sister is in town. I miss them so bad though. I am ready for them to come home.
My mother also left for the weekend. Thank the Lord. My home feels like my home. As stupid as this sounds I cleaned my own kitchen this morning. I think I am really learning my lesson of a womans place in her home. Not sure what will happen from here.
I have figured out why it is hard for me to transition living in the country. It is because there are no people watching opportunities. So I need to wake the hubby, the steps and the cousin up for breakfast in the park. I hope they want to go. I love this kind of stuff. Then Iḿ off to an afternoon herb walk in Mac. Iḿ really trying to get out there and meet people somehow. Itś not that easy.
Have a great day
!!! Itś going to be over 100 degrees here today with no A/C. boo
The hubby and I snuck out yesterday morning for a coffee and a bite to eat before the kids woke up. I love dates with him, even if they are only a quick little bite to eat. The unfortunate part of the breakfast was that I get really really sick if I eat bell peppers, like allergy sick. I ordered my food, an omelet, with no peppers and 20 minutes later the woman brings it to me and says sorry the filling was premixed and I couldnt take out the peppers. I just looked at her like really. I told her, as patiently as I could, I cant eat peppers and that I will get very ill that is why I ordered it this way. She returns 10 minutes later with an omelet with no peppers. I just really dont understand people. It was really good though, just a very long wait.Then I followed the night with going to a party with a bunch of other midwives. The food was so good. We swam. It was a really nice night.
I am really missing my children. My boys have been at their dadś for almost 2 weeks, unplanned. He kept asking for more time. His sister is in town. I miss them so bad though. I am ready for them to come home.
My mother also left for the weekend. Thank the Lord. My home feels like my home. As stupid as this sounds I cleaned my own kitchen this morning. I think I am really learning my lesson of a womans place in her home. Not sure what will happen from here.
I have figured out why it is hard for me to transition living in the country. It is because there are no people watching opportunities. So I need to wake the hubby, the steps and the cousin up for breakfast in the park. I hope they want to go. I love this kind of stuff. Then Iḿ off to an afternoon herb walk in Mac. Iḿ really trying to get out there and meet people somehow. Itś not that easy.
Have a great day

Yeah, I hate that when clear and simple English goes right
over their head.
When something like the kitchen slides for too long getting it
clean to your standards is a major accomplishment. But keep
in mind how old it would get if ya did it every day, all day.