So to clear things up. Most babies come out head first. 0.2% come out face first.
In other news...
My husband's exwife is fucking nuts.
There are pro's and con's to this facebook business.
She is seeking and destroying my husband's friendships.
Why you ask???
As if having a life would be enough.
and....She requests my friendship on FB at least twice a week, as does her mother and her husband.
Fuck really----> I got my own shit going on.
OK vent vent vent!!!!!
I just had to say it somewhere that it wouldn't come and bite me in the ass.
Playing the low drama card you know.
Isn't this sun freaking amazing. OH my word ----> I feel so blessed.
Chickies are now up to 8 and we got a bunny. I love the country.
In other news...
My husband's exwife is fucking nuts.
There are pro's and con's to this facebook business.
She is seeking and destroying my husband's friendships.
Why you ask???
As if having a life would be enough.
and....She requests my friendship on FB at least twice a week, as does her mother and her husband.
Fuck really----> I got my own shit going on.
OK vent vent vent!!!!!
I just had to say it somewhere that it wouldn't come and bite me in the ass.
Playing the low drama card you know.
Isn't this sun freaking amazing. OH my word ----> I feel so blessed.
Chickies are now up to 8 and we got a bunny. I love the country.

My babies wanted to come out sideways, ear up and stuck hahahah
I held a week old babe at the park yesterday and I swear I felt milk let down almost she was SO precious.
Hurray for chickens!