I have not been very active on here lately but it's because I've had a rough couple weeks and the reason for that is my dad has been in the hospital alot lately and they finally told us he has bone cancer and they don't know how much longer he has. I have neglected my parents because I grew up with out them around since I grew up here and they where in mexico till I was in high school. so I kinda got use to that. now I don't know how much time I have left with them and I'm feeling bad for not enjoying their company and making them feel like I care.. so I apologize if you guys don't see me for a while or if I miss our group meets but I owe it to them to spend some time together, cause I don't have the luxury of saying I'll do it tomorrow any more.
!!me my nephew and my dad!!

!!me my nephew and my dad!!

Not a fun thing, but follow your heart. Be glad you have some time to spend with him before he goes and be glad he wasn't taken suddenly before you had a chance like this. Take the time you need and cherish the connection as best you can. Family is important stuff. My best wishes are with you.
I do believe I am dear sir.