So the other night (1 week ago) I went into the city for the Rockefeller Center tree lighting. And I had such a great night! The lighting was amazing and after we ate at McAnn's Bar and Grill (delicious). Then we walked over to Times Square and guess what? I got to meet Kevin Neelan, from SNL (a while back). He shot a commercial in the center of Times Square and I am in it! It'll air on Dec. 29th on TBS at 8pm. He is talking for this commercial and I am standing behind him in a crowd! I'll be on the right of the screen in a red hooded sweatshirt. and i got a picture with me, him and my friend Alexis. and then took a party bike ( from Times Square back to Rockefeller Center and that thing was so frickin fun! And believe it or not at 6th and 49th I saw Spider-Man. So I screamed out for him and he turned and waved as I rode by on the party bike. It was so funny. And all through the night my group was doing all sorts of crazy things and I had a frickin blast! But even though I am in the city ALL the time. . . it was fun do the tourist-y kind of stuff. ha.
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