Well, tomorrow is the last day of school and I can not wait! Just have two more finals tomorrow and then I am all done for the summer. Today has been a good day. Had no classes or finals. Got to hang out with some friends. Drove home to drop some of the things from my dorm room off there and brought a friend from school with me to show him around. And now I am about to go study for my Bio final tomorrow. But thats not a good thing. Thats just what I am about to do. lol So I am going to head off to study. Leave me some lovin : )
More Blogs
Wednesday Apr 13, 2005
Today was such a fantastic day. Spent the first half hour off it taki… -
Saturday Feb 12, 2005
Last night's away message: It's 6am. After breaking up countless f… -
Saturday Jan 01, 2005
Happy New Year!!!! Hope everyone had a great new years. I wound up go… -
Friday Dec 10, 2004
So the other night (1 week ago) I went into the city for the Rockefel… -
Tuesday Oct 12, 2004
I had my 21st birthday on October 4th. It was a lot of fun. A bunch o… -
Sunday Jun 13, 2004
Hey. So I have been so busy with things since school ended. ugh. But… -
Wednesday May 12, 2004
Well, tomorrow is the last day of school and I can not wait! Just hav… -
Monday May 10, 2004
R.I.P. Jared. 5-8-04 You were a good guy. And will surely be miss… -
Wednesday May 05, 2004
Cinco De Mayo. Do I need to say more? lol. Tonight was great. Went o… -
Tuesday May 04, 2004
Today is going to suck so much. Just got out of Bio and now I have to…