well I'm finally back home in Canada.
I say finally, but it hardly feels like I was gone
ever been having the best dream ever...then wake up to a rainy day?
tonight I'm in the weirdest of moods, I've been so unmotivated to update my page here or to respond to anything here online...yet I stay up till 3am in front of my computer getting high...writing emails then not sending them, checking my favorite pages, starting paintings and then leaving them untouched.
I suppose this recent moodswing is the result of comming down from a metaphorical high of probably one of the best weekends of my life. Somehow I knew this was comming.
but nonetheless an update must be made! haha
Prom was so much fun! although I probably had more fun in the relaxed setting of the pub Thee Park the night before...seeing all the SG folk in their "norm" being able to talk to everyone more and just chill. Prom I was kinda all over the place and got antsy really fast...bouncing from the bar to the band to the outside to smoke. I felt pulled in all directions that night...it was great at times and seeing everyone dolled up was fantastic. still think that Manda, Tegan, and Alabama were the hottest ones there...paaaaah!
oh and Dusty....omigawwwwwd!
a special shout-out must go out to Frenchy and Fotopimp for being my volunteered guides this past weekend. without you two I dunno how I'd have found my way anywhere! you guys rawk! and I missed you both the minute I hopped on the shuttle to the airport. I owe you both bigtime for showing me the sites and escorting me to the events. If you guys ever come to Ottawa your ass is grass!...umm..in a good way.
another shout-out must go to all the awesome travellers I met at the Green Tortoise hostel! You all made me realize that I had dropped so much of my free-spirited youth so long ago. its funny I was only there for five days and I felt like i was leaving good friends behind...I cant imagine the pain that must follow leaving there after months of stay.
That producer I mentioned and his partner in crime (haha) fell through on an evening out with me but totally made it up to me on my last evening in town with a private DJ set at his partners house. umm... business partner, not...uh..well you know! They tour together as a duo but one of them isnt allowed into Canada for the moment thats why I only met one of them in Toronto. Anyway the producer I knew before my trip had to go home early but me and the other attention deficit partied till morning and he burned a CD of some tunes we picked out together. Its now my favorite CD. I should burn a backup copy of it for myself cuz if that ever scratches its frickin irreplacable! Anyway I told him to get his shit together so I could see them both in Canada someday soon. Fearing it wont come soon enough tho
in the half-hour before I left the hostel I had a little panick attack before the airport shuttle came...I was hoping to save it for a less embarassing location but my eyes just welled up and the tears came...yeah call me over sensative or what have you. fuck it. but I guess it just sunk in...BOOM...that I was leaving, going home to the bullshit. going back to living my life as a stressed out single mom with no freedom, no flare for life etc. Leaving the hostel was full of hugs goodbye and picture-taking with the friends I had met. I seriously didnt stop the tears rolling till I got to the airport..luckily it was 9pm so it was dark and no one else in the shuttle could se me sniffling.
the ride home was equally rough. I thought I'd be able to sleep on the plane but a mentally disturbed man caused a nuisance delaying our plane for security reasons...I didnt sleep a wink cuz I was so uneasy.
I'm still unsure how to handle things that went on this weekend. I usually take things with such grace but I know that this sudden depression of suddenly being back in the norm is only empasizing uncertainties and insecurities that would normally be a shrugg off the shoulder for me.
way to make myself sound like a total friggin head case tho eh? haha...wheres a bottle of Effexor when you need it damnnit!
more stories and pictures soon to come...was gonna upload them tonight but damn! it took me like 3 hours to write this entry! haha.
Peace out San Fran! keep in touch
I say finally, but it hardly feels like I was gone
ever been having the best dream ever...then wake up to a rainy day?
tonight I'm in the weirdest of moods, I've been so unmotivated to update my page here or to respond to anything here online...yet I stay up till 3am in front of my computer getting high...writing emails then not sending them, checking my favorite pages, starting paintings and then leaving them untouched.
I suppose this recent moodswing is the result of comming down from a metaphorical high of probably one of the best weekends of my life. Somehow I knew this was comming.
but nonetheless an update must be made! haha

Prom was so much fun! although I probably had more fun in the relaxed setting of the pub Thee Park the night before...seeing all the SG folk in their "norm" being able to talk to everyone more and just chill. Prom I was kinda all over the place and got antsy really fast...bouncing from the bar to the band to the outside to smoke. I felt pulled in all directions that night...it was great at times and seeing everyone dolled up was fantastic. still think that Manda, Tegan, and Alabama were the hottest ones there...paaaaah!
oh and Dusty....omigawwwwwd!
a special shout-out must go out to Frenchy and Fotopimp for being my volunteered guides this past weekend. without you two I dunno how I'd have found my way anywhere! you guys rawk! and I missed you both the minute I hopped on the shuttle to the airport. I owe you both bigtime for showing me the sites and escorting me to the events. If you guys ever come to Ottawa your ass is grass!...umm..in a good way.
another shout-out must go to all the awesome travellers I met at the Green Tortoise hostel! You all made me realize that I had dropped so much of my free-spirited youth so long ago. its funny I was only there for five days and I felt like i was leaving good friends behind...I cant imagine the pain that must follow leaving there after months of stay.
That producer I mentioned and his partner in crime (haha) fell through on an evening out with me but totally made it up to me on my last evening in town with a private DJ set at his partners house. umm... business partner, not...uh..well you know! They tour together as a duo but one of them isnt allowed into Canada for the moment thats why I only met one of them in Toronto. Anyway the producer I knew before my trip had to go home early but me and the other attention deficit partied till morning and he burned a CD of some tunes we picked out together. Its now my favorite CD. I should burn a backup copy of it for myself cuz if that ever scratches its frickin irreplacable! Anyway I told him to get his shit together so I could see them both in Canada someday soon. Fearing it wont come soon enough tho

in the half-hour before I left the hostel I had a little panick attack before the airport shuttle came...I was hoping to save it for a less embarassing location but my eyes just welled up and the tears came...yeah call me over sensative or what have you. fuck it. but I guess it just sunk in...BOOM...that I was leaving, going home to the bullshit. going back to living my life as a stressed out single mom with no freedom, no flare for life etc. Leaving the hostel was full of hugs goodbye and picture-taking with the friends I had met. I seriously didnt stop the tears rolling till I got to the airport..luckily it was 9pm so it was dark and no one else in the shuttle could se me sniffling.
the ride home was equally rough. I thought I'd be able to sleep on the plane but a mentally disturbed man caused a nuisance delaying our plane for security reasons...I didnt sleep a wink cuz I was so uneasy.
I'm still unsure how to handle things that went on this weekend. I usually take things with such grace but I know that this sudden depression of suddenly being back in the norm is only empasizing uncertainties and insecurities that would normally be a shrugg off the shoulder for me.
way to make myself sound like a total friggin head case tho eh? haha...wheres a bottle of Effexor when you need it damnnit!

more stories and pictures soon to come...was gonna upload them tonight but damn! it took me like 3 hours to write this entry! haha.
Peace out San Fran! keep in touch
