ok so been going through a lot of stresses these days...
1. its day 4 and my kitty still hasnt come home.
2. 1.5 weekes left of my final year of college and a HUGE portfolio showing tommorrow night for all these "industry proffessionals".
3. Issues with Mike
4. Parents treat me like their fucking doormat.
anyway M ike is comming to pick me up from school in 20 mins and I have butterflies of anxiety because i wanna site him down and talk a lot of issues out with him...nothing big but I feel like I've been bottling a lot up and I just want us to chill out and have one of those drawn out talks so i can clear my head.
we're gonna go grab some chow and then go fish shopping cuz he knows this place that sells really rare tropical fish...he bought a Baby Fugu yesterday (puffer-fish)..I'm so jealous. then hes spending the night at my place for the first time since i moved..which will be nice I just hope I dont turn a perfect evening into something bad when I ask him if we can talk. wish me luck folks.
1. its day 4 and my kitty still hasnt come home.
2. 1.5 weekes left of my final year of college and a HUGE portfolio showing tommorrow night for all these "industry proffessionals".
3. Issues with Mike
4. Parents treat me like their fucking doormat.
anyway M ike is comming to pick me up from school in 20 mins and I have butterflies of anxiety because i wanna site him down and talk a lot of issues out with him...nothing big but I feel like I've been bottling a lot up and I just want us to chill out and have one of those drawn out talks so i can clear my head.
we're gonna go grab some chow and then go fish shopping cuz he knows this place that sells really rare tropical fish...he bought a Baby Fugu yesterday (puffer-fish)..I'm so jealous. then hes spending the night at my place for the first time since i moved..which will be nice I just hope I dont turn a perfect evening into something bad when I ask him if we can talk. wish me luck folks.
good luck, deary - with all of it.

Has that brat cat come home to roost yet....?...sometimes they get locked in peoples sheds and garages etc....say a prayer to saint Anthony he ALWAYS works !!...try it .....here kitty kitty.....meeeoooowww