gah! well I'm moved in now its official!
didnt get internet connected yet...its supposed to happen sometime today when my phone h=gets onstalled so for now I'm just updating my SG quickly at the school before some nosy kid peers over my shoulder. March break and I'm at the college...I KNOW! grrr!
so I managed to make my room look like it came straight outta an Ikea catalougue, haha! But we all know how much Panda LOVES Ikea! I had a lil wee shopping spree there the other day when I found the damaged and discontinued Isle in the back. Bought LOTS of things for he house...spent almost $200! I got comforter covers for $10! so now I have three to choose from incase my cat gets em all fluffy. Mikes deadly alergic to my cat so these could come in handy...
The new place is much space. I think I'm giong to get a fishtank next.....Mike has an awesome one with clownfish and parrotfish and two little eels! I could definately go for an eel...those things are awesome and surprisingly graceful. maybe I'll go check out the petstore today...after I finish this damn schoolwork!
well hopefuly I'll be able to check in tonight when i get home. This no-internet thing is KILLLLLLING me!!!! until then ladies...AND gents
didnt get internet connected yet...its supposed to happen sometime today when my phone h=gets onstalled so for now I'm just updating my SG quickly at the school before some nosy kid peers over my shoulder. March break and I'm at the college...I KNOW! grrr!
so I managed to make my room look like it came straight outta an Ikea catalougue, haha! But we all know how much Panda LOVES Ikea! I had a lil wee shopping spree there the other day when I found the damaged and discontinued Isle in the back. Bought LOTS of things for he house...spent almost $200! I got comforter covers for $10! so now I have three to choose from incase my cat gets em all fluffy. Mikes deadly alergic to my cat so these could come in handy...
The new place is much space. I think I'm giong to get a fishtank next.....Mike has an awesome one with clownfish and parrotfish and two little eels! I could definately go for an eel...those things are awesome and surprisingly graceful. maybe I'll go check out the petstore today...after I finish this damn schoolwork!
well hopefuly I'll be able to check in tonight when i get home. This no-internet thing is KILLLLLLING me!!!! until then ladies...AND gents

Also thought I should say hello, because we have mutual friends in real life. So hi.