Here I sit, naked, wrapped in a towl. I went down to the pool and hung out until I got cold. I came up to my room, locked the door behind me, dropped my towel and went into the shower. Waited for the shower to get hott, then got in with my bathing suit on. I think the best way to feel the world around you is to let water trickle down your body. After standing there for a while I took off my top. Continued to lean against the wall for a while longer then the shorts came off. It's amazing how sexy one can feel taking a shower in a bikini bottom. I spent a long time admiring the way the suit looked on my figure and the colors against my skin as well as the water hitting my and running down my body. Once the hot water was gone I took off the remainder of my bikini and was impressed at how sexy I still felt. I then bundled back up in my towel and went to the mirror and removed the blackness from beneath my eyes. I feel so enlightened I had to share my happiness with you.
Hehe, I've been thinking too much, what else is new, I don't think that's new.
Hehe, I've been thinking too much, what else is new, I don't think that's new.
[Edited on Apr 30, 2006 1:43PM]