My honey dvr'ed Oh Brother Where Art Thou for me today cuz he knows how much I love it and that the music reminds me of sitting on the huge porch of our family home in Virginia listening to all my cousins play deep into the night the sweetest bluegrass you've ever heard in your life. Is it just me or is the sirens scene in the movie the freaking turning-oning-est thing you've ever ever ever witnessed? I'm a fucking hot mess every time I see it.
I go live as the Halloween Pinup at this coming week guys! I'm so excited! I'm shooting the first photoset Friday night and I'm scared and nervous yet really proud of myself for having the guts to apply! I'll have a set go live once a month! We can do tasteful nudity and the site is appreciative of plus size women. Pretty much everything I've wanted to do before I get too old to do it! I of course want all of you to come visit and support me, but also I want you to check out the "message board" area and join, it's not a pay site, the girls are supersweet and gorgeous, some of the wonderful girls you know from here even! Everyone on the social site is amazing and nice and have a great sense of humor. Lots of flirting and naughtiness etc. So join! For lil ole me? It's not as if I get extra credit if you do, I just want alot of fans! heehee!
Speaking of fans,
Once I'm live, do this!

I go live as the Halloween Pinup at this coming week guys! I'm so excited! I'm shooting the first photoset Friday night and I'm scared and nervous yet really proud of myself for having the guts to apply! I'll have a set go live once a month! We can do tasteful nudity and the site is appreciative of plus size women. Pretty much everything I've wanted to do before I get too old to do it! I of course want all of you to come visit and support me, but also I want you to check out the "message board" area and join, it's not a pay site, the girls are supersweet and gorgeous, some of the wonderful girls you know from here even! Everyone on the social site is amazing and nice and have a great sense of humor. Lots of flirting and naughtiness etc. So join! For lil ole me? It's not as if I get extra credit if you do, I just want alot of fans! heehee!
Speaking of fans,
Once I'm live, do this!

I love bluegrass too!! It brings back so many memories!! I actually downloaded the soundtrack..but made sure to get "man of costant sorows" by Ralph Stantly!! Cause no one does it like him..I believe I'll be seeing you friday..and yay for the V13V!!!