So I'm workin at the Gypsy Queens booth at Big Daddy's Tattoo and Bike expo Saturday and a sweet girl I met there comes running up to me and says, "hey come help me with the bed of nails!" Well, anyone who knows me knows that if anyone says anything like that to me I'm there with a quickness. Just all over it. So I, of course, come running. Turns out, they wanted me to lie ON TOP of a guy on a bed of nails. eh, not what I was hoping for and I was paranoid that I would crush him under the weight of my huge ass, so i didn't do it. I DID however beg them to just let me lie on it alone. They said yes! I nearly peed myself I was so excited. They told me to straddle the bed, which I did, but my short legs couldn't spread wide enough across it and I pricked my leg on one of the nails. I barely felt anything and was just continuing to get ready to lie down. All of the sudden everyone gets real quiet, there was a small crowd, and I couldn't figure out why they were looking at me so funny. I look down and there is a HUGE pool of blood at my feet! The blood hazmat team came in and MOPPED up the puddle and took care of my leg, which STILL didn't hurt a bit! I swear it didn't stop bleeding all night! I was mortified embarrassed, but they were so sweet and said I could try again later. By the time they pulled the bed back out, some of my Gypsy Queen girls wanted to be in the show so I had to watch the booth while they did so I didn't get to lie on the bed of nails. Poo! I am bummed so much. If anyone knows a way to get me a chance to do it again, let me know. Here's a gnarly-ass pic of the damage. The kick in the head: it's right on a tattoo! I apprently removed a HUNK of skin, dude. My artist is going to KILL me!
Some pics of the fun
Some pics of the fun
I've never been on a bed of nails, but the physics intrigue me. They're actually pretty safe once you're on them, when the weight is evenly distributed. Did you know you can stand on 2 soda cans without crushing them, if you balance right? Same principle.