Just an update of what's up with me:
Some of you texted me last week about why I deleted myspace and your support regarding that was awesome. Thank you to everyone who pitched in their vote of my ex being the dickhead of the century.
For the ones who don't know: my ex and I have shared parenting of my son Tyler. Some of you have met Ty and know how friggin terrif he is. If you havn't you are missing out. He's a mom's dream. He has good friends, he gets good grades, is testing for his dark blue belt in tai kwon do this month, has an incredible imagination, and never has an unkind word to say about anyone, even those who deserve it. He's eleven years old and perfect. I mean it! He's an angel. He has Aspberger's syndrome which is a high functioning form of autism. This basically manifests itself in his personality as something like a mild rainman. like in the film with Dustin Hoffman. He is almost savant with certain things, like he has practically a photographic memory, he can remember when he was a baby like six months old! He can remember every detail and word in a movie if it's a movie that interests him (right now the obsession movies are Star Wars (all of them) and Indiana Jones, he not only quotes the movies, he can tell you where mistakes are made, all of the backstories of characters, and what he thinks George Lucas needs to do to improve his work at LucasArts! The child has made up his OWN movies including scripts and scenes that include characters from Star Wars and Indiana Jones) He does this with television shows and video games as well. I can't even tell you how many video games he's made up. The killer is these games he's made up actually sound like games you'de want to play! He has always used vocabulary that is way too advanced for a child his age and tends to have more full conversations wth adults than children. There is a downside of course, and that tends to be difficulty in social situations with children his own age, but he has made vast improvements in that area and has pretty much the same friends now as when he was in preschool. They all get along very well and I'm grateful for that. I moved around ALOT when I was a kid and it was hard to make friendships. It can be very difficult to drag him out of his fantasy world to deal with the here and now things that are going on, like if we are out shopping or at the zoo or something you kindof have to redirect his attention from all of the thoughts going on in his head to appreciate what is physically going on around him. I saw a special on television where they were talking with steven still's son and he had aspberger's syndrome too. they hit the nail on the head when they said it was like the kid had a movie playing in his mind all the time and it never stopped. It's a world that an aspberger's child creates to deal with the harshness of reality. They tend to be overly sensitive to outside things like light, sound, sudden actions, and changing habits. Tyler was always VERY sensitive to sound, but seems to be getting a better handle on it. He also gets periods where he is deathly afraid of something random. Over the last couple of years we've had fear of Australian spiders, weather disasters (it went from tornadoes to hurricanes to blizzards, tsunamis, you name it) it changes every few months and we have to just make him face the reality of the things he fears, like letting him know statistics of people killed in Ohio by tsunamis or Australian spiders. he digs statistics and once he gets the real amount of danger he moves on to soemthing else to fear. He used to be in special classes and then that went to just having a special teacher a couple of days a week for awhile and now he is in regular classes without any special help.He does very well. he also reads about two books a week outside of his classwork, not sure if his avid reading is the aspberger's or inherited from me, I was the same way.
Anyway beacuse of all of the above, when my ex and I split 6 years ago, I made the decision then that Tyler should stay with his father through the week and be with me on weekends. His father lived in Oakwood, Ohio and they have consistantly had the best rated public schools in Ohio, all of Ty's friends were there and we had already begun his schooling plan with his teachers and such. When we split my ex sold our house and kept the profit, he also kept everything in the house except my personal things, etc. I worked for his family as well as my regular job so had to quit the one with his family thus cutting out half my income. My sister and I became roomates in a supernice large apartment, but the rent nearly killed me. I knew that I could not support Tyler as the custodial parent and his father and family had better means of supporting him. So we agreed out-of-court on this shared parenting plan. I get Tyler Friday evenings til Sunday evenings and he is with his dad through the week.
Tyler's father married the woman he cheated on me with and she had two sons and eventually they had a dugher as well. Because Lisa, my ex's new wife, claimed to be such a goodygoody high and mighty ethics freak with a little bible thumping thrown in for good measure, I figured Tyler was in a nice family environment. And it IS true that I have few if any complaints about his home life there. I think my biggest concern was that he may be too sheltered from the real world. Living in the rich, white-bread part of town doesn't provide alot of opportunity for him to get alot of other culture. I figured that was my job and because I went wild with freedom and creativity and self-discovery he sortof went along for the ride and I think he is more well-rounded socially because of it. I also think that my ex agrees with me. I'm positive his wife does not, I mean I am satan in her eyes with my pink hair and short skirts and body modifications. I think it bugs the shit out of her that I don't care what she thinks. In the end I definitely know my rights as a parent and her rights regarding my kid - she has none. This has not stopped her from all kinds of terrible acts and evil junk.
my son was having surgery a few years ago, I came to the hospital from work and she had shown up before me. She told the registration staff that SHE was his biological mother and that she wanted me thrown out! (Ty's dad wasn't there, he never showed up for anything really) I had to produce all kinds of proof that I was his mother just so I could be with him for his surgery!
She called social services on me just months after my ex moved in with her. I don't know what the complaint was only that a social worker came to my apartment and looked around. The worker sat me down and gave me a letter stating that it was an erronious call and if it happened again that she personally would help me file for a restraining order. I've kept that letter all of these years just in case...
She has made random calls to my family, mom, dad, sister, probably my brother too, acting in the conversations as if she was just calling to say hello or something and pumping them for information about me. My family has called me and said that she makes them uncomfortable and didn't have a clue what to say to her.
Just recently, she got a job in the doctor's lounge of a big local hospital. She encountered my sister leaving a doctor's office and started asking her a bunch of questions about my sister seeing a particular doctor and such and good luck. (my sister had cancer, is now better, was seeing a doc about fertility) My sister came to me saying she was creeped out by the interrogation and it wasn't her business, etc. I personally think this must be against HIPPA regulations.
Tommy's daughter had her appendix removed a few weeks ago at the hospital that Lisa works in. It was on a weekend and I had Tyler with me. We got out of the car, sent Tyler and Jesse (Tommy's son) into the hospital doors and told them to have a seat. The entire outer wall was glass so we could keep an eye on them. Then Tommy and I lit up cigarettes. When we finished we proceeded into the hospital to visit with his daughter. The next thing I know, i have my ex calling me and screaming about how I was smoking with my son next to me and they had the security videotape from the hospital to prove it! I have a few issues with this one - first, my son was not next to me when I was smoking, I had sent him inside the building. second, even if I had, we were OUTSIDE! third, how does a lowly cafeteria worker get copies of security tapes from huge hospitals? my son has asthma and we make a very good effort not to smoke anywhere near him. I have smoked in his presence outdoors with no ill effects, but i still even try to keep that to a minimum.I realise the best thing is to just quit smiking altogether and Tommy and I are discussing that now.
That's just the crap SHE does.
My ex has informed me several times that he is seeking a divorce from Lisa and I have yet to see any evidence of it, nor do I care really. As long as Tyler is taken care of, I stay out of their personal life. Aperently she has no clue and he has asked me to not bring it up to her. I havn't YET.
The current issues have been that Tyler had a school project and I did some research for him which I emailed to his dad. His dad, using my email address, found my myspace account and the friend listed that was Tommy's and my joint myspace account and freaked the fuck out. I had an old account that was phished that I didn't delete, I just started a new account. On that old account I had a picture of Tyler in my photo albums. The joint site that Tommy and I had showed alot of stuff of sexual nature, the fact that I'm bisexual and we dig threesomes, etc. you know the BDSM swinger freak side of me and Tommy. My ex made copies of the sites and took them to a lawyer who I guess thought it was a horrible thing and I'm a wretched mom and so on. Rick called me and said that I could not pick up my son for the weekend until the myspace accounts were deleted because i was so unique looking that it would be too easy for a sex-fiend to find me in the small town of Fairborn and break in and molest my son beacuse he saw his picture on myspace. While I thought his reasoning a bit drastic, I felt scared. He called me and emailed me with so many threats about not seeing my son, that I had a wee breakdown. He even asked my kid if he had ever seen any strangers in my home, because he's convinced that Tommy and I must have chicks coming over to have orgies in front of our children every weekend. I definitely deleted the accounts and contacted an attorney myself. I also have a friend who is a private investigator on the internet and she offered to do a little research on my ex and Lisa, his business, contacts etc, just so if we went to court I'd have all of his dirty laundry too. She even did it for free.
He also demanded that we not smoke anywhere in Tyler's presence. Not even anywhere he could SEE us smoking, which isn't a big deal, since we want to quit and have been keeping smoke away from Tyler forever. So he made these demands with the threat that I could not pick up my son. I knew that I could show up with a police officer to enforce our parenting agreement, but to be honest, there are two reasons I didn't, one, I never want Tyler to see or be a part of a physical dispute between Rick or Lisa and myself. He already had one occasion to witness Lisa running out to my truck and physically threatening me, screaming like a lunatic on Jerry Spinger and it scared him. That's the second reason I didn't call the police, on a subtle level Rick and Lisa scare me. I mean dodgy things have happened to me in the past when we weren't getting along that I couldn't prove they caused, but still left that feeling like she especially had no problem with me being injured or dead. I know that I am a complete pussy when it comes to this, but believe me, I actually stand up for myself alot more than I used to. It's not something that comes easily to me. I am generally a very mild-mannered, even shy person.I used to be much much more so.
Anywho, in the end, with much difficulty, I deleted said myspace accounts and reassured as best I could about the smoking situation and got to pick up my son after two weeks of not seeing him. We had a ball this weekend and am in hopes that nothing else pops up to set my ex or his wife off and we can resume our regularly scheduled time together. Tommy and I celebrated our birthdays together this weekend with my family and his family and they all got to know each other alot better and it was so nice. For a long time I was all but estranged from my family due to my ex. He wanted to control everything about me at the time and I let him. i lost many friends and have had a hard way getting my family back because of it. He even once told my dad that he thought my dad had molested me when I was little and that's why I was so meek! Of course that wasn't true. I know that it broke my mom's heart to not be able to see her grandson for so long, but now we are all a very open and loving family. I dig it the most!
Since the whole myspace debacle, Rick has come back to say, "Oh you can have a myspace, you can even be a freak on there, I don't care, just don't have tyler's pic on it." Must've heard from the lawyer that he really had no power over my internet activities huh? I will prolly have another myspace in the future. I'll just keep it more private.
on a whole different subject:
While at our birthday party Saturday, I had something so damn strange happen to me. We were at a local restaurant and more family than I even expected showed up and I was thrilled by that.We had an amazing cake that my sister got for us, lemon filling and buttercream! OMFG! heaven. Plus lots of wonderful comments to Tommy welcoming him to the family, etc. One of the people that surprised me by showing up is my uncle Joe. My real mother died when i was five so my aunt and uncle had a big hand in helping my dad take care of us for a long time. So I spent alot of time with my uncle Joe when I was growing up. He always called me Angel. After I got older and didn't spend as much time there, I heard that he had gotton hurt at work and he would be off for a long time. Something with his back. Then I would hear random news that he still wasn't back at work, he had more surgery, and stuff like that.Then the news was that he hardly ever left the house and they put him on the morpine clicker-thingy where you get to click for doses of morphine to be administered automatically and he wuld never work again. At the same time I was hearing these things, my dad would tell me that Uncle Joe went GOLFING with him! It was the general consensus in the whole family that he was basically full of crap and just didn't want to work. This of course left my aunt to not only be the breadwinner alone, but raise the family, my cousins who had problems of their own that she took care of them for. She actually IS an angel. She has done this for years with never one complaint. Meanwhile Joe is now a complete addict, her daughter also became addicted to her meds for Crone's disease, her son mysteriously injured HIS back and can't work so she takes care of him, plus she is raising her grandchildren! Meanwhile death stalks them, they lost a son when he was twelve, her daughter's husband died in a car accident, just bad luck all around for her. And here's her husband not contributing a thing sice at least 1989. He shows up at the restaurant, unloads HIS OWN wheelchair, and puts it together! All eyes rolled at the dinner table. My uncle hasn't seen me in years so he didn't know about the wacky hair or piercings, etc. he calls me over and says, "Angel, I like your piercings, are you pierced in your private spot too? I tried to get your aunt Joyce to do that, but she wouldn't. You have to ask her about her HEARTS sometime! They are someplace special and she'll be embarrassed, but I can see them when I go down on her"
People, I damn near threw up. I had no clue what to say. I mean he was almost like a father to me and now here's this guy who I don't even know anymore because he's so whacked out on drugs talking to me about my angel aunt's poon! It's the creepiest I have ever felt in my whole life. Then when we were leaving, he pulls Tommy aside and says" Your back is bad like mine, you should only take morphine, nothing else, only morphine at the highest dose." Then hands Tommy two pills! Tommy just shrugged it off, but it pissed me off! If I never see him again it'll be too soon.
Congratulations to anyone who made it this far! Now you know why I am so neurotic.
Some of you texted me last week about why I deleted myspace and your support regarding that was awesome. Thank you to everyone who pitched in their vote of my ex being the dickhead of the century.
For the ones who don't know: my ex and I have shared parenting of my son Tyler. Some of you have met Ty and know how friggin terrif he is. If you havn't you are missing out. He's a mom's dream. He has good friends, he gets good grades, is testing for his dark blue belt in tai kwon do this month, has an incredible imagination, and never has an unkind word to say about anyone, even those who deserve it. He's eleven years old and perfect. I mean it! He's an angel. He has Aspberger's syndrome which is a high functioning form of autism. This basically manifests itself in his personality as something like a mild rainman. like in the film with Dustin Hoffman. He is almost savant with certain things, like he has practically a photographic memory, he can remember when he was a baby like six months old! He can remember every detail and word in a movie if it's a movie that interests him (right now the obsession movies are Star Wars (all of them) and Indiana Jones, he not only quotes the movies, he can tell you where mistakes are made, all of the backstories of characters, and what he thinks George Lucas needs to do to improve his work at LucasArts! The child has made up his OWN movies including scripts and scenes that include characters from Star Wars and Indiana Jones) He does this with television shows and video games as well. I can't even tell you how many video games he's made up. The killer is these games he's made up actually sound like games you'de want to play! He has always used vocabulary that is way too advanced for a child his age and tends to have more full conversations wth adults than children. There is a downside of course, and that tends to be difficulty in social situations with children his own age, but he has made vast improvements in that area and has pretty much the same friends now as when he was in preschool. They all get along very well and I'm grateful for that. I moved around ALOT when I was a kid and it was hard to make friendships. It can be very difficult to drag him out of his fantasy world to deal with the here and now things that are going on, like if we are out shopping or at the zoo or something you kindof have to redirect his attention from all of the thoughts going on in his head to appreciate what is physically going on around him. I saw a special on television where they were talking with steven still's son and he had aspberger's syndrome too. they hit the nail on the head when they said it was like the kid had a movie playing in his mind all the time and it never stopped. It's a world that an aspberger's child creates to deal with the harshness of reality. They tend to be overly sensitive to outside things like light, sound, sudden actions, and changing habits. Tyler was always VERY sensitive to sound, but seems to be getting a better handle on it. He also gets periods where he is deathly afraid of something random. Over the last couple of years we've had fear of Australian spiders, weather disasters (it went from tornadoes to hurricanes to blizzards, tsunamis, you name it) it changes every few months and we have to just make him face the reality of the things he fears, like letting him know statistics of people killed in Ohio by tsunamis or Australian spiders. he digs statistics and once he gets the real amount of danger he moves on to soemthing else to fear. He used to be in special classes and then that went to just having a special teacher a couple of days a week for awhile and now he is in regular classes without any special help.He does very well. he also reads about two books a week outside of his classwork, not sure if his avid reading is the aspberger's or inherited from me, I was the same way.
Anyway beacuse of all of the above, when my ex and I split 6 years ago, I made the decision then that Tyler should stay with his father through the week and be with me on weekends. His father lived in Oakwood, Ohio and they have consistantly had the best rated public schools in Ohio, all of Ty's friends were there and we had already begun his schooling plan with his teachers and such. When we split my ex sold our house and kept the profit, he also kept everything in the house except my personal things, etc. I worked for his family as well as my regular job so had to quit the one with his family thus cutting out half my income. My sister and I became roomates in a supernice large apartment, but the rent nearly killed me. I knew that I could not support Tyler as the custodial parent and his father and family had better means of supporting him. So we agreed out-of-court on this shared parenting plan. I get Tyler Friday evenings til Sunday evenings and he is with his dad through the week.
Tyler's father married the woman he cheated on me with and she had two sons and eventually they had a dugher as well. Because Lisa, my ex's new wife, claimed to be such a goodygoody high and mighty ethics freak with a little bible thumping thrown in for good measure, I figured Tyler was in a nice family environment. And it IS true that I have few if any complaints about his home life there. I think my biggest concern was that he may be too sheltered from the real world. Living in the rich, white-bread part of town doesn't provide alot of opportunity for him to get alot of other culture. I figured that was my job and because I went wild with freedom and creativity and self-discovery he sortof went along for the ride and I think he is more well-rounded socially because of it. I also think that my ex agrees with me. I'm positive his wife does not, I mean I am satan in her eyes with my pink hair and short skirts and body modifications. I think it bugs the shit out of her that I don't care what she thinks. In the end I definitely know my rights as a parent and her rights regarding my kid - she has none. This has not stopped her from all kinds of terrible acts and evil junk.
my son was having surgery a few years ago, I came to the hospital from work and she had shown up before me. She told the registration staff that SHE was his biological mother and that she wanted me thrown out! (Ty's dad wasn't there, he never showed up for anything really) I had to produce all kinds of proof that I was his mother just so I could be with him for his surgery!
She called social services on me just months after my ex moved in with her. I don't know what the complaint was only that a social worker came to my apartment and looked around. The worker sat me down and gave me a letter stating that it was an erronious call and if it happened again that she personally would help me file for a restraining order. I've kept that letter all of these years just in case...
She has made random calls to my family, mom, dad, sister, probably my brother too, acting in the conversations as if she was just calling to say hello or something and pumping them for information about me. My family has called me and said that she makes them uncomfortable and didn't have a clue what to say to her.
Just recently, she got a job in the doctor's lounge of a big local hospital. She encountered my sister leaving a doctor's office and started asking her a bunch of questions about my sister seeing a particular doctor and such and good luck. (my sister had cancer, is now better, was seeing a doc about fertility) My sister came to me saying she was creeped out by the interrogation and it wasn't her business, etc. I personally think this must be against HIPPA regulations.
Tommy's daughter had her appendix removed a few weeks ago at the hospital that Lisa works in. It was on a weekend and I had Tyler with me. We got out of the car, sent Tyler and Jesse (Tommy's son) into the hospital doors and told them to have a seat. The entire outer wall was glass so we could keep an eye on them. Then Tommy and I lit up cigarettes. When we finished we proceeded into the hospital to visit with his daughter. The next thing I know, i have my ex calling me and screaming about how I was smoking with my son next to me and they had the security videotape from the hospital to prove it! I have a few issues with this one - first, my son was not next to me when I was smoking, I had sent him inside the building. second, even if I had, we were OUTSIDE! third, how does a lowly cafeteria worker get copies of security tapes from huge hospitals? my son has asthma and we make a very good effort not to smoke anywhere near him. I have smoked in his presence outdoors with no ill effects, but i still even try to keep that to a minimum.I realise the best thing is to just quit smiking altogether and Tommy and I are discussing that now.
That's just the crap SHE does.
My ex has informed me several times that he is seeking a divorce from Lisa and I have yet to see any evidence of it, nor do I care really. As long as Tyler is taken care of, I stay out of their personal life. Aperently she has no clue and he has asked me to not bring it up to her. I havn't YET.
The current issues have been that Tyler had a school project and I did some research for him which I emailed to his dad. His dad, using my email address, found my myspace account and the friend listed that was Tommy's and my joint myspace account and freaked the fuck out. I had an old account that was phished that I didn't delete, I just started a new account. On that old account I had a picture of Tyler in my photo albums. The joint site that Tommy and I had showed alot of stuff of sexual nature, the fact that I'm bisexual and we dig threesomes, etc. you know the BDSM swinger freak side of me and Tommy. My ex made copies of the sites and took them to a lawyer who I guess thought it was a horrible thing and I'm a wretched mom and so on. Rick called me and said that I could not pick up my son for the weekend until the myspace accounts were deleted because i was so unique looking that it would be too easy for a sex-fiend to find me in the small town of Fairborn and break in and molest my son beacuse he saw his picture on myspace. While I thought his reasoning a bit drastic, I felt scared. He called me and emailed me with so many threats about not seeing my son, that I had a wee breakdown. He even asked my kid if he had ever seen any strangers in my home, because he's convinced that Tommy and I must have chicks coming over to have orgies in front of our children every weekend. I definitely deleted the accounts and contacted an attorney myself. I also have a friend who is a private investigator on the internet and she offered to do a little research on my ex and Lisa, his business, contacts etc, just so if we went to court I'd have all of his dirty laundry too. She even did it for free.
He also demanded that we not smoke anywhere in Tyler's presence. Not even anywhere he could SEE us smoking, which isn't a big deal, since we want to quit and have been keeping smoke away from Tyler forever. So he made these demands with the threat that I could not pick up my son. I knew that I could show up with a police officer to enforce our parenting agreement, but to be honest, there are two reasons I didn't, one, I never want Tyler to see or be a part of a physical dispute between Rick or Lisa and myself. He already had one occasion to witness Lisa running out to my truck and physically threatening me, screaming like a lunatic on Jerry Spinger and it scared him. That's the second reason I didn't call the police, on a subtle level Rick and Lisa scare me. I mean dodgy things have happened to me in the past when we weren't getting along that I couldn't prove they caused, but still left that feeling like she especially had no problem with me being injured or dead. I know that I am a complete pussy when it comes to this, but believe me, I actually stand up for myself alot more than I used to. It's not something that comes easily to me. I am generally a very mild-mannered, even shy person.I used to be much much more so.
Anywho, in the end, with much difficulty, I deleted said myspace accounts and reassured as best I could about the smoking situation and got to pick up my son after two weeks of not seeing him. We had a ball this weekend and am in hopes that nothing else pops up to set my ex or his wife off and we can resume our regularly scheduled time together. Tommy and I celebrated our birthdays together this weekend with my family and his family and they all got to know each other alot better and it was so nice. For a long time I was all but estranged from my family due to my ex. He wanted to control everything about me at the time and I let him. i lost many friends and have had a hard way getting my family back because of it. He even once told my dad that he thought my dad had molested me when I was little and that's why I was so meek! Of course that wasn't true. I know that it broke my mom's heart to not be able to see her grandson for so long, but now we are all a very open and loving family. I dig it the most!
Since the whole myspace debacle, Rick has come back to say, "Oh you can have a myspace, you can even be a freak on there, I don't care, just don't have tyler's pic on it." Must've heard from the lawyer that he really had no power over my internet activities huh? I will prolly have another myspace in the future. I'll just keep it more private.
on a whole different subject:
While at our birthday party Saturday, I had something so damn strange happen to me. We were at a local restaurant and more family than I even expected showed up and I was thrilled by that.We had an amazing cake that my sister got for us, lemon filling and buttercream! OMFG! heaven. Plus lots of wonderful comments to Tommy welcoming him to the family, etc. One of the people that surprised me by showing up is my uncle Joe. My real mother died when i was five so my aunt and uncle had a big hand in helping my dad take care of us for a long time. So I spent alot of time with my uncle Joe when I was growing up. He always called me Angel. After I got older and didn't spend as much time there, I heard that he had gotton hurt at work and he would be off for a long time. Something with his back. Then I would hear random news that he still wasn't back at work, he had more surgery, and stuff like that.Then the news was that he hardly ever left the house and they put him on the morpine clicker-thingy where you get to click for doses of morphine to be administered automatically and he wuld never work again. At the same time I was hearing these things, my dad would tell me that Uncle Joe went GOLFING with him! It was the general consensus in the whole family that he was basically full of crap and just didn't want to work. This of course left my aunt to not only be the breadwinner alone, but raise the family, my cousins who had problems of their own that she took care of them for. She actually IS an angel. She has done this for years with never one complaint. Meanwhile Joe is now a complete addict, her daughter also became addicted to her meds for Crone's disease, her son mysteriously injured HIS back and can't work so she takes care of him, plus she is raising her grandchildren! Meanwhile death stalks them, they lost a son when he was twelve, her daughter's husband died in a car accident, just bad luck all around for her. And here's her husband not contributing a thing sice at least 1989. He shows up at the restaurant, unloads HIS OWN wheelchair, and puts it together! All eyes rolled at the dinner table. My uncle hasn't seen me in years so he didn't know about the wacky hair or piercings, etc. he calls me over and says, "Angel, I like your piercings, are you pierced in your private spot too? I tried to get your aunt Joyce to do that, but she wouldn't. You have to ask her about her HEARTS sometime! They are someplace special and she'll be embarrassed, but I can see them when I go down on her"
People, I damn near threw up. I had no clue what to say. I mean he was almost like a father to me and now here's this guy who I don't even know anymore because he's so whacked out on drugs talking to me about my angel aunt's poon! It's the creepiest I have ever felt in my whole life. Then when we were leaving, he pulls Tommy aside and says" Your back is bad like mine, you should only take morphine, nothing else, only morphine at the highest dose." Then hands Tommy two pills! Tommy just shrugged it off, but it pissed me off! If I never see him again it'll be too soon.
Congratulations to anyone who made it this far! Now you know why I am so neurotic.
Put your myspace on private..that's what I did for a long time to keep nosey jack assed people off! I hope all works out good..and the nosey bitchy wife gets out of the way..my god how old is she 13?? Eh.. oh..and I LOVE you!! You are the best sex freak I know!!!
I am so sorry you are going through all of this. If you need an ear, I'm here for you.
