I got a haircut today. I got em all cut. heehee.
I will post pics shortly, pc is ancient and it's not as easy as it once was. But the pics are taken.
Dude, I got a friggin faux hawk! It's short as fuck. The thing is I don't hate it as much as I thought I would. I've had my hair longer for a long time and it's been dyed some funky color or other for a long time too. I wanted to go back to my natural color for a little bit before going on an dyeing like mad, you know like I do.I have a major problem that I'm terribly allergic to alot of hair dyes and especially darker colors, which my hair naturally is. It's like a mousy ass brown. I could just dye it my natural color, but I'm seriously scared shitless of another allergic reaction. It's no little rash, man, it's a dermatologistic halocaust! I swell up from my collar bones up, I mean like a football-face, then if that's not bad enough (stop reading here if you are easily grossed out) the welts that form SEEP! It's beyond disgusting and life-limiting. I mean there's really nowhere to go or anything you can do when you have lesions on your face and scalp and neck that are DRIPPING clear liquid everywhere! eww. shiver. So you see it's not just a little incident that's cleared up easily by benedryl. I absolutely adored my hair when it was black, but no amount of anything could make me go through that again! I know, I know, some of you are salon professionals and are going to say that there are products out there that I should be okay using and why not try those., um no. Because of the above nightmare happening TWICE (the second time from some well-meaning friend researching chemicals and finding a product whose label didn't show the specific chemical in the ingredients, so I tried it and had the worst reaction ever, bless her, she tried). The only haircolor I will use at all ever is Manic Panic. i know it has it's fans and definitely has it's foes, but it's the only brand that I don't react harshly to.But I am so scared of dark colors now that I won't even try the Manic Panic new browns.Seriously, those reactions made me feel like the elephant man, and I even had to go to work like that! It's retarded, I can bleach the fuck outta my hair and be just fine, but get a dark color near me and my head freaks!
So long story short, my only other option was to cut my hair short and let it grow a bit, then keep doing it till I have all my own mousy brown again. I'm actually looking forward to blending into society for a little bit. I mean pink hair makes it's own friends, and some of them I'd just rather not have to meet when I just want to buy some bread in my sweats at the grocery.Besides, how much can I REALLY blend when I have dimple piercings, right? Yeah, I'm a fucking freak, just gonna be a brown haired freak for a while. I'm sure it won't take very long after that before I start missing my red, or purple or pink and go crazy with my beloved manic panic.I already miss my red....sigh.....
anywho, I've finally gotton used to it and I think my fawk kicks ass. What's that you say? they aren't in style anymore? sweeeeeeet

plus - my new ink - still all stingy and crunchy

I will post pics shortly, pc is ancient and it's not as easy as it once was. But the pics are taken.
Dude, I got a friggin faux hawk! It's short as fuck. The thing is I don't hate it as much as I thought I would. I've had my hair longer for a long time and it's been dyed some funky color or other for a long time too. I wanted to go back to my natural color for a little bit before going on an dyeing like mad, you know like I do.I have a major problem that I'm terribly allergic to alot of hair dyes and especially darker colors, which my hair naturally is. It's like a mousy ass brown. I could just dye it my natural color, but I'm seriously scared shitless of another allergic reaction. It's no little rash, man, it's a dermatologistic halocaust! I swell up from my collar bones up, I mean like a football-face, then if that's not bad enough (stop reading here if you are easily grossed out) the welts that form SEEP! It's beyond disgusting and life-limiting. I mean there's really nowhere to go or anything you can do when you have lesions on your face and scalp and neck that are DRIPPING clear liquid everywhere! eww. shiver. So you see it's not just a little incident that's cleared up easily by benedryl. I absolutely adored my hair when it was black, but no amount of anything could make me go through that again! I know, I know, some of you are salon professionals and are going to say that there are products out there that I should be okay using and why not try those., um no. Because of the above nightmare happening TWICE (the second time from some well-meaning friend researching chemicals and finding a product whose label didn't show the specific chemical in the ingredients, so I tried it and had the worst reaction ever, bless her, she tried). The only haircolor I will use at all ever is Manic Panic. i know it has it's fans and definitely has it's foes, but it's the only brand that I don't react harshly to.But I am so scared of dark colors now that I won't even try the Manic Panic new browns.Seriously, those reactions made me feel like the elephant man, and I even had to go to work like that! It's retarded, I can bleach the fuck outta my hair and be just fine, but get a dark color near me and my head freaks!
So long story short, my only other option was to cut my hair short and let it grow a bit, then keep doing it till I have all my own mousy brown again. I'm actually looking forward to blending into society for a little bit. I mean pink hair makes it's own friends, and some of them I'd just rather not have to meet when I just want to buy some bread in my sweats at the grocery.Besides, how much can I REALLY blend when I have dimple piercings, right? Yeah, I'm a fucking freak, just gonna be a brown haired freak for a while. I'm sure it won't take very long after that before I start missing my red, or purple or pink and go crazy with my beloved manic panic.I already miss my red....sigh.....
anywho, I've finally gotton used to it and I think my fawk kicks ass. What's that you say? they aren't in style anymore? sweeeeeeet


plus - my new ink - still all stingy and crunchy

Thank you for the comment you left me.. you recieved the #1 comment of the year award from me!! I LOVED it.. thank you so much!! I loves you!
ya going to Hell City?