So yesterday I was at work. My days at work are very hectic for the most part, I do all of the fax orders for Chipotle in Centerville. It's a little bit of a source of pride for me because our store has the busiest most often used fax section of any Chipotle in America right now and I do it all by myself for the most part Monday thru Friday (we don't do regular fax service on weekends thank god). So I was at work running around like a whirling dervish and my sister comes in. She looked like she had gotton her hair cut so I thought she was coming in to show me, I kept putting her off to get customers out, then she stopped me and said it was important. She told me that my dad was being taken into emergency surgery and they thought it was his appendix and she knew that ifshe didn'tlet me know i would freak out on someone. I finished the orders that I had which took me till one oclock (she came in about noon) and I mentioned to my manager when my sis told me that I had to get out as soon as I could and I told her why, she said of course and I finished up my orders. Some bigwig from Chipotle corporate arrived and my manager got to talking with her and forgot about me. It wasn't till I broke down crying (I detest crying, but I do it at the drop of a hat) that the bigwig found out what was going on and said I could leave. I picked up Tommy and finally made it to the hospital and my dad was sitting in the waiting room! They were about to send him home! Turns out he had kidney stones. Bad but not nearly as bad as an appendix burting on a damn near sixty yr old man! We saw my mom and Dad off and went home. We are going camping this weekend and I've been looking forward to it all week. So of course while I was packing some things last night I had to start my stupid period! My periods just straight up BLOW! Always always it's the same: just a whole lot of cramping pain and damn near bleeding to death. (seriously I need to get the sheer amount of blood i lose checked out) So I woke up this morning in a whole lot of pain. Between getting so stressed out and tensed up with my dad, I had serious upper back pain, and with my period I had serious cramping and lower back pain. I was walking around like a ninety year old woman! It took me awhile to decide wether to call in sick and my sweet Tommy called in for me. I always feel like i'm letting people down if I call in sick. I hate it. but here i am, still hurting and I know that I wouldn't have made it at work, being on my feet all day and being in that insanely loud crowded crazy environment. But I will still go camping because Tommy says the camper where we'll stay is really nice,two bedrooms and electricty and all. almost like a hotel.I DO need a little vacay but I feel guilty.Well, I guess since I havn't had ANY kind of vacation since I can't remember when I kinda shouldn't feel so bad. Maybe I'll think of it as theraputic, maybe the swimming can relive some of my back pain and stress. Yeah, that's it I'm taking a wilderness spa mini-break and I think I might deserve it. Wish the city girl luck in the big scary woods! See you all when I get back!
Sorry i forgot about telling you about the mirror lol. The one he is doing right now will be $300.00 it is very large, perfect for near a bed lol, it's about half done now, i could get a picture or measurements if you are interested?
how's he doing now?