Ow, my shoulder hurts.
The dermatologist took the spot I was worried about to do a biopsy on it. He said it looked benign, but better safe than sorry. I'll know the results in a week for the next edition of FRIDAY BLOG. Other than that spot, he noted and measured a few other spots and said he put them in his chart to keep an eye on them because they're on the dark/bigger side and should be watched. He also shot me up with some cortisone in my scars that have keloided from my shoulder scope surgery. If you don't know what keloided scars look like:
that's a huge image, but you get the idea -- red, puffy, not exactly cosmetically pleasing. I had 2 outta the 3 entry points that we keloided so he fixed those. WOO.
Urm... work is still work. Got a call on Wednesday from the Army's Department of Civilian Affairs. I applied for a job with them back in Maaaaay. Last month they sent me an email with a link to take some online test to see if I would be able to gain the "uber-secretive of top secretness" clearance that I would need to work for them. It also had jobby questions like 'have you ever managed people, if so how many, do you have any accounting experience' etc. It sounded really cool so I applied. Only downside which I so should've known earlier or else I probably wouldn't have applied: I'd have to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test.
Yeah. Evidently I couldn't just be a chubby civilian girl on the payroll. I looked at the test and that itself doesn't look too hard. I'd have to work on getting my mile down a bit, but it's definitely not unreasonable. The "weight gate" however... is kinda unrealistic for me lol....
So yeah, I could basically not get a high paying civilian job because I've got a big ass. Well, I happen to like my big ass... BUUUUUT my big ol' booty doesn't pay bills and this job would most DEFINITELY pay off some bills. SO I'm maybe considering... working out... to make it go away. Shh... don't tell my booty I tolded you. It'd get pissed and probably try to revolt by getting bigger.
DFW people: By god we're going bowling next Thursday night. I swear by all that is holy. I don't know where... but Thursday at least I'M going bowling. Maybe melicious likes me enough that she'll show up, too so we'll have a badass time and you bitches will just WISH you woulda been there. Hmph.
... and so concludes Friday Blog.
We should still go bowling some time. I was sick last week.