I saw keller williams on saturday.. it was a blast.
and for those that may label and judge me by the music i listen to .. well that you might be that ignorant.
i may have dreads. may like hippie music. and may not shave as ofton as everyone else.
but i am not a hippie.
they dont excist.
i may have some of those values with me.
i cant stand most drugged up hippie fucks that cant even take a shower every month and try to get me to feal their energy by holding crystals and shit.
how do you label yourself? by the music you like? by the places you shop at? or by the values you follow?
believe me.. ill eat drugs just like you.. i just happen to surround myself with people who are that fucked up that i just fit in.

just realizing that the labels here.. not like im trying to prove anything.
but just dont like labels.
so just saying what im not and hoping to ease on some of the judgement.
oh keller is the shit.
music is the shit.
we are best friends.