Just found out my Gristle King pedal won't ship for four months. Sigh bok
whatever that means, i'm sure it sucks frown
all the chaos has been in the denver metro area, and very sensationalized by the local media. all is quite well here in the mountains, we just wish we would have gotten that snow instead of DEN.

S. Jersey is flat, but at least it has some greenery and the ocean, you could be in kansas, flat, no ocean, and wellllll brown farms as far as the eye can see
Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Day!
This day is an opportunity for each of us to remember Dr. King's message calling for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all races and of all peoples.
A day to remember his dream of change and peaceful coexistence through nonviolence for all of mankind.
Rock on, M.L.K.!

Thanks for the nice words, I needed them smile
Social work is way to hard and under appreicated.
Happy Dr. MLK to you too!

Rock on!
Uggghhh... Did you watch that game last night? Did you listen to post-game interview with Andy afterwards? Was he watching the same game? Punt on 4th down with under 2 mins left and behind by 3??? I believe his words were "I'm not sure why..." Uggghhh!!!!! blackeyed
Happy New Year! smile
happy new year! Let's hope it's a good one.
First day back to work after vacations always stink. ARRR!!!
iw sa workin at cheerleaders until that night yea i quit i'm another place these days ye abut i guy shot a girl another guy and himself soo thats not good kan't imagine it be n good for business either
I pretty much feel the same way about Rowan. I had major issues with them a couple of years ago, wound up going to Wilmington College for my Masters. This will be a horrendous 15 weeks - I vowed never to give those people another dime.

Yea - my friends and I have been doing this for almost 20 years - up South Street. We susally have about 15 people on it, this year there may be more as people will join us after work for Happy Hour. We had almost 30 once - it was really out of control. We draw cards to see which round you pay for. When there are more than 12, we usually double up. to help alleviate the cost a bit (especially for the first bar - Dark Horse).

I heard that Ott's is going to move the bar into the pit. Haven't been there recently, though, to see if they have, yet.
Just returned to NJ from North Carolina.
Wow, what a neat place! Congenial folk, lovely landscapes, good eats, and cheap livin'.
My new goal, somplace around this time next year, is to move there after completing my PsyD.
Anyone else wanna come? I'll have an extra room or two! biggrin
Okay, I'm off to North Carolina ... land of the cheap cigarettes.
Delaware had cheap cigs too smile

Have a good time, be safe.

Thanks for the B-day wishes kiss
Happy Holidays!
You too smile
Thanks - Happy Holidays to you, too.

Actually only went out Fri Am to pick up a bike for my sister-in-law and then bought a couple of winter coats for my wife and I. Almost bought a kayak atr Dick's for 50% off - but figured that I'd get in way too much trouble for something like that...

Work woes will work themselves out - looking for something better closer to home.

Family actually worked out well - my mother-in-law cooked a lot of the food and did a lot of other work - all I had to do was cook the turkeys.
Thanks for all of the support and kind words, folks.
Looks like I'll be a-okay.
Knee and elbow complications are nominal.
Nicey-nice. smile
Who's for beers? I'm buying ^^
smile Nice to have you on my list...

Neglected, abused, and hungry children make me sad too.... I'm just to broke to sponser them on those commercials, but those damn church people know what their doing smile
Okay. The operation on the 'ole elbow went well and the pain, when compared to the knee, is slight. After all is said and done, t'was the right move to get these overdue procedures taken care of. The medical staff was great and the pain meds they gave me even greater. I just hope I'm well enough to withstand the rigors of work come Monday......
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i've been takin some time off..prolly gonna start workin again soon
Hey - elbow operation, huh? That's gotta suck... Sorry to hear.

As for my career stuff - sat back a bit, decided to take a positive approach and as problems arise, offer ideas to deal with such problems - to be not so much a complainer, but a problem solver. Seems to be making me feel better, but still going to look for another job.
The operation went well. One knee down . . . one elbow to go.
Christ, my folks always grumble about getting old and how much it hurts.
I used to think it was kinda funny - until now.
If I'm having it this bad in my early 30's, I'm not sure I want to live as long as them.
Thanks for the testimonial!!!

I think getting older will be interesting... idk
Right now Im playing a Tremor... I had a rockstar moment and broke my Fender awhile ago. I loved that thing!