Things of mine I found in my roommates bedroom:
* Lots and lots of clothes. Not just mine, but quite a few garmets that belong to the boy as well. Included in this was a t-shirt and a scarf that he gave me as gifts. Weird.
* Brooches, also gifts from him.
* My table top easel, as well as most of my paint brushes (ruined from being left in water), most of my charcoals and all of my pencils and fountain pens. There was also one of my sketch books and a couple of my canvases.
* Countless cds and records. (One he had even bought himself a copy of- and still kept my pilfered vinyl!)
* A fancy little tea tin in the shape of an Indian elephant. All the tea had been removed.
* My art history textbook, and all of my astrology books from high school.
Kleptomaniacs should have warning labels tattooed on their foreheads.
* Lots and lots of clothes. Not just mine, but quite a few garmets that belong to the boy as well. Included in this was a t-shirt and a scarf that he gave me as gifts. Weird.
* Brooches, also gifts from him.
* My table top easel, as well as most of my paint brushes (ruined from being left in water), most of my charcoals and all of my pencils and fountain pens. There was also one of my sketch books and a couple of my canvases.
* Countless cds and records. (One he had even bought himself a copy of- and still kept my pilfered vinyl!)
* A fancy little tea tin in the shape of an Indian elephant. All the tea had been removed.
* My art history textbook, and all of my astrology books from high school.
Kleptomaniacs should have warning labels tattooed on their foreheads.

Great big, forever...
i know i haven't posted anything about coachella but i've been kinda avoiding the computer lately. it's been giving me trouble and i haven't been able to get my friend to take a look at it.
have you had a chance to read the last book i sent you?