So sorry no news, real life has gotten the better of me as of late.
Lots of news, though. Just an abbreviation:
The roommate is moving to St. Louis to live with an internet boy hes never met. I'm going to venture off the to great Northwest, why not? I always wanted to see Portland, I just always imagined I would visit before uprooting everything to move there.
Nancy cut off all of my hair - he said he was going to trim my bangs, and then took advantage of my vulnerability as I painted my toenails peacock green.
Lastly, but not leastly, the Andrew Bird show is tonight, and I'm ridiculously excited. Partly because the abrupt move has forced me to curb my spending habits, and a big part of that was going to shows in the city... so this will in all likelihood be my last show in San Francisco for quite awhile. But at least it'll be an amazing one.
Thats enough for now. Wish me luck... I'll try to catch up to everyone in the next few days and rectify my net negligence.
to ElMagonista for the great big package I got in the mail today. I haven't had a chance to listen to anything yet, but I can't wait!
Lots of news, though. Just an abbreviation:
The roommate is moving to St. Louis to live with an internet boy hes never met. I'm going to venture off the to great Northwest, why not? I always wanted to see Portland, I just always imagined I would visit before uprooting everything to move there.
Nancy cut off all of my hair - he said he was going to trim my bangs, and then took advantage of my vulnerability as I painted my toenails peacock green.
Lastly, but not leastly, the Andrew Bird show is tonight, and I'm ridiculously excited. Partly because the abrupt move has forced me to curb my spending habits, and a big part of that was going to shows in the city... so this will in all likelihood be my last show in San Francisco for quite awhile. But at least it'll be an amazing one.
Thats enough for now. Wish me luck... I'll try to catch up to everyone in the next few days and rectify my net negligence.


it was ment to be part of a larger collection of cds but i fucked up and spent all the money that i was going to use for blank cds on books.