You know, a lot happened this week, yet I still feel like I have nothing to say. Communication skills, deteriorating...
California is absolutely amazing this time of year. The sky is clear and azure, the hills are actually green.. the wildflowers are in bloom, and the air smells good, even in the bay area. Somehow it doesn't damper my desire to leave, though. (two months till my lease is up!)
In other news, ElMagonista is awesome. So is his lovely cousin, but shes not here to gush about. She hosted all of our drunk asses while we force fed each other music and munched copius quantities of tortilla chips with some kind of sweet wine. From bluegrass to emo to hip hop... it was undeniable that we're the coolest people we know.
California is absolutely amazing this time of year. The sky is clear and azure, the hills are actually green.. the wildflowers are in bloom, and the air smells good, even in the bay area. Somehow it doesn't damper my desire to leave, though. (two months till my lease is up!)
In other news, ElMagonista is awesome. So is his lovely cousin, but shes not here to gush about. She hosted all of our drunk asses while we force fed each other music and munched copius quantities of tortilla chips with some kind of sweet wine. From bluegrass to emo to hip hop... it was undeniable that we're the coolest people we know.

Happy St Patties!!!!!