Well I've been a bit slack lately in updating my journal but i will try and be a good girl from here on. So how have you all been?
I tried to join the UK group but have had no luck
I have a friend who is planning to become an SG girl. I'll let you all know when it all comes to fruition
I tried to join the UK group but have had no luck
I have a friend who is planning to become an SG girl. I'll let you all know when it all comes to fruition
i applied a couple of days ago to sguk and have not heard back. i did notice in the groups that you have to be with the newbies for 60 days or something like that...so maybe you can't join another one until your 60 days are up. anyway,what do i know i'm so darn new!
thanks for accepting friendship by the way. very kind of you.
hope you have a good weekend..any exciting plans?
Reckon you know anyone that could do that