same out...
did you feel over exposed? I delete entries when i feel exposed. I feel like everyone is staring at my insides, or the sun is too bright I cant hide.

I write too. I am working on a book of sorts of poetry and pictures. I am shy about it. I dont know if its good, but I am doing it anyway.
Would you like to read some?
oh and I dont think i can fuck around i fall in love to easy. bleh.
unless theres more than one person i guess thats a good way to keep things light hearted ARRR!!!
Do you mean me? blush kiss blush

Yay Show!!! I wanna go

What is chicago like anyway. I imagine it as some kinda dark industrial city.

When are you playing?
no more variables...
ouch blackeyed

Makes me sad: Judgements.
People are jerks.

And vain, they like toys, not real people.

I think you are awsome kiss
this way to disappear...
I hate self promoting too, but you gotta do it. Anyway its just kida like showing your friends what you've been doing. Im always interested in what other creative people are doing.
I really like your bands they are awsome!
I dont think there is anything wrong with repetitive lyrics... tho I didn't notice.
no more human form..
We do have gay bars. but i was hanging out with these really fun people in melbourne and now im back in bribane everyone just seems like squares. i dunno i feel like i cant really be myself that much.
thats cool that yr bands are taking off. your solo gig sounds interesting. Its a shame u cant upload music here.
I have'nt heard the common people, i will check it out.
Oh and which one is u in the photo??
I get that. Is this bad thing the same as mine?

I loose myself constantly. I guess its too much duality.

something inside wants something stronger, something/someplace where i won't have to speak, think, or try any harder.
:: I know this feeling so well.

it's last call...
why does speed make you feel perfect and then so so shitty and guilty?
Its the rules of nature, what goes up must come down wink

my advice take some downers and sleep it off, or wallow in misery and write bad poetry.hehe

3d is hard, it gets easier. I was lucky and landed myself a scholorship to study it a few years back.
It is so much easier to study in Aust than in America though. I dunno about there but here you can have a couple of degrees and still be working in 7-11 its pretty fucked up.