i met a man w/ no hands. he took my picture on a polaroid camera using bright shiny hooks. it took incredible effort. the camera attached to this contraption on his chest that he wore like a harness -- something someone would wear if they played the accordian. he pressed the button. there was a flash and then a picture popped out. he handed it to me w/ his hooks, blowing and shaking it. he asked me what i thought. if i liked it he wanted five bucks. the picture didn't really come out well. my face was blurred and some guy was walking behind me. i told him i'd buy it though. i told him i'd give him ten bucks to tell me how he lost his hands. hell, i'd even buy him some drinks. he said "you're a real stupid sonofabitch." i said i was sorry just curious. then he said "i need a pint of old crow and a book of matches." i went in a liquor store and bought him these things. when i got back to where he was when i first saw him he was gone. i hopped a train and thought about his hooks while i sucked back cheap whiskey and thought about his hooks and thought about his hooks.
my band was an electro-trash kinda thing.....its over now though sob. We barely got of the ground. Hey at least yr putting on a show. I go through phases of going out a getting trashed everynight....and theres no show. Meh.
where would we be if it weren't for our friends. actually i know where i would be dead right now....eek