Why did I choose to become an SG?
Well I've been thinking about it for a few years... I met Lass on a night out once and was totally enchanted by her. We spoke about SG and I thought it sounded amazing. I had always liked the idea of expressing myself through nudity. I believe the human form is beautiful and am tired of all the shaming!
Well I ended up postponing it for ages due to being unsure about being nude on the internet (and my mum was strongly opposed to it)
But I ended up getting into modeling anyway and LOVED it. It was such a wonderful way to learn to love my body and to express myself.
My boyfriend at the time however was still opposed to me doing SG, so I still didn't do it.
But we just broke up so as a mark of independence I've decided to go for it!
Photo from my set Bucephalus Bouncing Ball, shot by @fifthblade :)