Ok people....here we are again! A new journal update...
i actually don't know what to write...i'm confused! it's an hard period for me; hard and full of new things! This fact makes me happy by one side, and scared by the other!!
Happy because i'm meeting some new people; i'm having tons of parties with my lovely friends from SG Italy; i'm working with my band on the new album (self-production) and we are playing some new songs that are very experimental. My feeling with music is more mature now. I can feel it when i play my instrument, or when i listen to a song. I've learned the balance between thing you LIKE to do and things you HAVE to do, when you play; that is also something you can transfer on the whole life.
Scared because i'm afraid of all these "changes"; and i feel like one day i'll have to pay for all this!
University is not going so well...i should make some exames, but i'm so fucking lazy and i prefer to play than to study!!
Ok!! My fault! I know!!
At the end of the month we'll play our first gig after months spent in studio composing new melodies!! I'm also working on our possible merchandise. Some shirts and badges....i hope someone will by them! It will help us to gain some money more...
My new way to make "yoga" is cooking!! Being alone in front of the coocker makes me feel so deeply quiet! But no one has to step around, or i turn into a monster!!
i actually don't know what to write...i'm confused! it's an hard period for me; hard and full of new things! This fact makes me happy by one side, and scared by the other!!
Happy because i'm meeting some new people; i'm having tons of parties with my lovely friends from SG Italy; i'm working with my band on the new album (self-production) and we are playing some new songs that are very experimental. My feeling with music is more mature now. I can feel it when i play my instrument, or when i listen to a song. I've learned the balance between thing you LIKE to do and things you HAVE to do, when you play; that is also something you can transfer on the whole life.
Scared because i'm afraid of all these "changes"; and i feel like one day i'll have to pay for all this!
University is not going so well...i should make some exames, but i'm so fucking lazy and i prefer to play than to study!!

Ok!! My fault! I know!!
At the end of the month we'll play our first gig after months spent in studio composing new melodies!! I'm also working on our possible merchandise. Some shirts and badges....i hope someone will by them! It will help us to gain some money more...

My new way to make "yoga" is cooking!! Being alone in front of the coocker makes me feel so deeply quiet! But no one has to step around, or i turn into a monster!!

Motorpsycho - "Hey Jane"
"Sono suggestionabile; sono troppo suggestionabile!!"
Cacchio se mi sta pigliando!!!
Com' butta x il resto?
Guarda aspetta allora a vedertele assieme a quella di questo mercoledi..cosi ti scoppia direttamente la testa dalla quantit di informazioni che danno!!!!!
Per il resto anc'io tutto bene..esami fortunatamente ora non ne ho..ne avr due ad Aprile (tra l'altro uno il giorno del mio comple..sbatti
Ma x ora l'unica cosa a cui penso e che tra 2 settimane (dal 31 al 8) vado in Ilranda a trovare un mio amico!!!!! Non vedo l'ora..adoro l'irlanda!!! Soprattutto la Guinness,le irlandesi e la Kilkenny..specialmente se tutte 3 le cose sono insieme
In culo alla balena x il concerto, spero che il raffreddore ti passi