Hey new to all of this but here goes nothin. Was an eventful weekend went out to the local bar on Friday night had a good time. Driving home from the bar disappointed and sober I got into a wreck putting my vehicle into the ditch after having locked the breaks up. So yeah that was fun ummm Saturday (Halloween) was spent in Havelock, NC with family seeing as its my 2 cousins senior year so no party no drinking no nothin pretty much a boring day and night surrounded by family. Sunday was recovery and now I'm here. Today has been spent contemplating the purpose of my existence. Everyone has a purpose in life but I have yet to have figured out what mine is. People say good things come to those who wait. Well I'm starting to feel like that whole statement is bullshit. I don't really know where else to go with this. Not all thoughts should be put into words so therefore this is where I end this little rant of mine.
i am . . . the car no so much its totalled
that sucks... hope you get that sorted x