Yay!!!!!!!! I finished my Christmas shopping for my kids today!

Or I think anyway! I got them everything they wrote on their list...they each had like 3 things...not much and they deserve it. They are wonderful! I wish I could give them more...but the best thing is they don't want more.
Here was Nick's letter to Santa
Dear Santa,
I've been a good boy. I am a very nice boy to people. If people need help I will help them. I am the type of person who is nice. I wishfor a new bike and skateboard. I wish my sister gets the biggest littlest pet shop. I wish my sister gets a birth certificate to build a bear (ofcourse he meant gift

) Tell Mrs. Clause I said hi.
So cute. I love that he asked for stuff for his sister and not just himself. Good boy!
SO I GOT HIM HIS BIKE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!! A RED AND BLACK DIAMOND BACK! Its awesome! The guy who helped me at the store was super nice. The put it together for me and adjusted stuff for me. YAY! I rode it out of the mall.

Hahaha...I got some funny looks but it was SO much fun. I guess it is some sort of a trick type bike or something. I like it. His uncle got him a Tony Hawk birdhouse something skateboard so I didn't have to get that...but I got him a couple games he asked for and this KICK ASS laser tag game!!! I wanna play with it...I can see Christmas morning now...he and I chasing each other around.

I got Annabelle the rescue pet she wanted...it cries omg it was SO annoying to walk around with. I got her some pokemon stuff and ofcourse the little pet shop stuff, oh and the easy bake oven she wanted. She is getting a gift certificate to build a bear...its her favorite store...but the strange thing is all she wants there are the animlas none of the accessories. I also got her a puzzle. I do have to get her a couple other little things and Nick too but I don't know what to get. They are kinda hard to buy for cause they are not into a lot...they just like to pretend and play outside. I will come up with something. Anyway I feel much better knowing that is done!
I hope everyone had a great Monday! I am off to start dinner and do homework!
If you stop by will you be bringing the kids?