I am sick.

Spent probably about 18 out of 24 hours yesterday in tears. Something gotta give here. Sorry I haven't been around. I really don't feel much like talking right now so if I disappear for a few days don't worry I will be back.
Sunday was aweseome.
Forgotten and I had a great time. Some how once AGAIN I managed to make wrong turns even with the GPS...slight left turn...whatever

...BUT we made it with PLENTY of time. We went to Game On for lunch and watched a bit of the game. When we left it was 14 to 0 against the Packers....we ended up KILLING them 35 to 0...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On to the show...we stood in line for about 3.5 hours. Crazy us! It was FREEZING! Thank goodness I brought a jacket and I had an extra sweatshirt for
Forgotten since he didn't have a jacket. I don't think we thought it would be SO cold. At around 5:30 he pointed up to the light and said "look snow"...nice

...we stood in the rain for Rancid and the snow for The Matches and +44...I actually think when we saw Big D and The Kids Table it was nice out. The show was great. I was surprised that The Matches were so great live. They were amamzing. They announced that they are going to headline a show in Feb...yeah I wanna go!!!!!!!!! I got my pic taken with the lead guitar player and after the show I got his autograph.

+44 was great! I don't know how Travis can play the drums so well with only one hand but he is amamzing. And THANK YOU
Fogotten for making sure I did NOT get kicked in the head at the show...those people were coming from all directions...and thanks for helping me not get lost on the way out even though I stopped and I did kinda loose you but I found you again!
Here are some pics from the show....
So yesterday while I was crying all day I decided after working with my Mom and picking berries in the woods with her I would rearrange my kitchen a bit. I am still working on this couch I found but I put it where I want it and I found the material I mostly want to use...I have to make a skirt and pillows but you can sort of get the idea from it. I ended up moving my fridge and my china cabinet also. I took some pics of this as well...here you are...
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully I feel better by Thursday cause I am a mess. It is bad enough to feel crappy emotionally but now I have this sore throat and I hurt my hip. Someone take me out back and shoot me now...put me out of my misery!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You matter to me more than I can possibly say in words.
I love you