Hello everyone!
I am new here. I don't know what to say or what to post! I have no friends!
Someone befriend me!
Okay that was lame. Anyway...I love to hike as you can see from my profile. I am 30...ick...wish I was 20 LOL!
Not really 20 wasn't so hot either. Anyway. I joind SG because friend of mine told me it was good place to become comfortable with yourself. I am not at all! I want to be! Hopefully I can make some new friends here that will chat with me about whatever! I am up for anything!
Send me and email or message...whatever they are here... I LOVE to talk so I will SO get back to you!
Like I said I smile too much, laugh too much, and I think I talk too much...again not that you can tell by my pic!
Have a great night! Hope to make some new friends soon! 

Sounds like I thought that out too much.