not much is new here...just got home from a nigt out...which i thought was not going to be really late but as you can see...its 5:00 am and i just got in. went to a blues bar and heard some good and will were going to meet some people from my work. will saw one of his buddies from hockey who bought us both several drinks and we hung out for a while....then the people from work showed up and more drinks were had...beckie finally showed up when the band was done and we moved the party back to some guy named noah's apartment.(my friends from work knew him...i think) and we drank more there...then back to beckies for some shots and weed....then here i am several hours later...drunk and high and typing on SG...yay for that!!!! and yay for fun nights that are unexpected....good night all!
I already turned down the camping trip, if it was different people I would totally have gone even if it was a miserable situation cause it would have still been fun, but the girl is a bitch so screw it haha.
Haha that sounds like a fun night. I'm glad your having a good time.Yay for fun nights that are unexpected.