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Stay strong.
city life: lession 1
what is it about New York that makes those who live here so loyal? why do we stretch our expenses so thin when we could be living ANYWHERE else and pay less for EVERYTHING? why do we pay rent for our whole lives when somewhere else we could be putting that money into a mortgage...
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in order to live in the city AND enjoy it, you must have a love affair with the city. you must except it for what it is, and love the exciting world of possibility. its a relationship really, because when you live in a city with such a personality as New York, it really comes alive. and for that reason, and that reason alone, is why i know i could never turn in my metro card for an SUV. not now, not ever.
and who needs a car radio when you've got a crazy old dude banging away on a multitude of upturned buckets? ahhhh... nothing beats the sweet smell of rotting garbage/starbucks/pollution in the morning.
the kitten pics are adorable!
Where have you been little miss? You always disapear for a time and then pop back into existance!
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until later
Maybe you need a nurse
I just thought I would say that.
You're such a beautiful girl, it makes me blush when you compliment me
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Don't forget your birthday spankings
my mom just told me that the doctor found cancer cells in her left breast....i guess they caught it early and as long as the surgery goes well she'll be fine with 6 weeks of radiation. but that doesnt make it any better, shes only 48! shes trying not to get me worried, but i can hear it in her voice, shes...
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