So this was an interesting week.
My baby came in from New Mexico. We hung out and did all the usual stuff. Sushi, and movies and good stuff. We went and saw Juno which I was really surprised by. I wanted to see it regardless but this movie was just so cool! The sushi was good too, we went to a new place where I was told the sushi was half-price but sadly we were ill informed.
Still we were happy and there was this giant tree next to the table which we thought was odd
But despite the good time we were having this was one of the most stressful weeks. The gals I work with were at odds with the Union and me being the shop-steward was stuck right in the middle. I really can't get into to it, but I believe that a Union's place is to protect workers rights not take them away.
Then on top of the work drama it snowed! It snowed the night we were suppose to go see the Birthday Massacre in NYC. It was Rachel's birthday present so I hated making the call and saying we couldn't go.
That night we went up the street to Corabas and had a nice meal. Though here's the kicker.
Something bad happened to my car apparently both the power and R&P steering went. This would cost me close to 1000 bucks argggh! But fortunately I got my taxes done so I'm covered, but sadly I am so fucking broke.
Sadly this killed the rest of our week together. We ordered in alot and watched alot of Black Books and assorted other movies.
Now on a happy note.
My baby came in from New Mexico. We hung out and did all the usual stuff. Sushi, and movies and good stuff. We went and saw Juno which I was really surprised by. I wanted to see it regardless but this movie was just so cool! The sushi was good too, we went to a new place where I was told the sushi was half-price but sadly we were ill informed.

Still we were happy and there was this giant tree next to the table which we thought was odd

But despite the good time we were having this was one of the most stressful weeks. The gals I work with were at odds with the Union and me being the shop-steward was stuck right in the middle. I really can't get into to it, but I believe that a Union's place is to protect workers rights not take them away.
Then on top of the work drama it snowed! It snowed the night we were suppose to go see the Birthday Massacre in NYC. It was Rachel's birthday present so I hated making the call and saying we couldn't go.
That night we went up the street to Corabas and had a nice meal. Though here's the kicker.
Something bad happened to my car apparently both the power and R&P steering went. This would cost me close to 1000 bucks argggh! But fortunately I got my taxes done so I'm covered, but sadly I am so fucking broke.
Sadly this killed the rest of our week together. We ordered in alot and watched alot of Black Books and assorted other movies.
Now on a happy note.