Une Saison En Enfer
So I read a Season in Hell today. I've had the book for like twelve years and I chose today, why I'm not sure. I bought it way back in the day because it was suppose to be some greatly inspired work that Jim Morrison loved. But I soon realized that Morrison is a pretentious hack, so I should have figured that his heroes would be the same. But I read it anyway. It's weird it's a story about this drugged out cowardly woman hating bastard who downs some poison and begins this long voyage through hell, or should I say his perception of hell, because Rimbaud believes that there are those already living in hell. Then he goes on about how liberating hell can be. He denounces faith but as quick as he can finish his breath, he's crying for god's forgiveness. I never want to live in this man's world. He idolizes the social vampires, and believes more or less that all women are things to be loathed and destroyed...
But then he hits on this one part where, he idolizes his Gaelic ancestors, the clumsy barbarian horde from which he claims to spring. And talks about the passion and freedom, that only they truly lived a life worth having. And it goes along with something I use to say that, I always saw myself as a Neanderthal, I thought that the woes of society fall upon how mankind separates themselves from each other that the pursuit of convenience, is what will slowly kill us. Neanderthals lived as a tribe and lived for each other. They roamed free and lived off what nature provided, they were a strong passionate people that only cared about each other. But they were doomed to die out because they never evolved. I liked that part in the book.
The rest is just total crap. The IRS is trying to own my ass this year. They allocated a greater percentage of my tips, and want a cash settlement for sure. Oh well things are just going to continue to get worse I can tell you that.
Maybe I will open a Lemonade Stand, one inside a self-sustaining bubble
I watched Superbad tonight, FINALLY, and I was really happy. McLovin is the fucking man.

So I read a Season in Hell today. I've had the book for like twelve years and I chose today, why I'm not sure. I bought it way back in the day because it was suppose to be some greatly inspired work that Jim Morrison loved. But I soon realized that Morrison is a pretentious hack, so I should have figured that his heroes would be the same. But I read it anyway. It's weird it's a story about this drugged out cowardly woman hating bastard who downs some poison and begins this long voyage through hell, or should I say his perception of hell, because Rimbaud believes that there are those already living in hell. Then he goes on about how liberating hell can be. He denounces faith but as quick as he can finish his breath, he's crying for god's forgiveness. I never want to live in this man's world. He idolizes the social vampires, and believes more or less that all women are things to be loathed and destroyed...
But then he hits on this one part where, he idolizes his Gaelic ancestors, the clumsy barbarian horde from which he claims to spring. And talks about the passion and freedom, that only they truly lived a life worth having. And it goes along with something I use to say that, I always saw myself as a Neanderthal, I thought that the woes of society fall upon how mankind separates themselves from each other that the pursuit of convenience, is what will slowly kill us. Neanderthals lived as a tribe and lived for each other. They roamed free and lived off what nature provided, they were a strong passionate people that only cared about each other. But they were doomed to die out because they never evolved. I liked that part in the book.
The rest is just total crap. The IRS is trying to own my ass this year. They allocated a greater percentage of my tips, and want a cash settlement for sure. Oh well things are just going to continue to get worse I can tell you that.
Maybe I will open a Lemonade Stand, one inside a self-sustaining bubble

I watched Superbad tonight, FINALLY, and I was really happy. McLovin is the fucking man.

Apparently it happened yesterday morning.
What a tragic waste.