Why is it so hard to find a roommate? Our last roommate left without any notice, now Im stressing out trying to find a new one. We've put ads out at few places, but no luck yet. I did manage to find a part time job at another body shop last week. It sucks working at 2 different places, but at least Ill be able...
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I applied. Thanks for the heads up.
and go introduce yourself 

I hope everyone had a nice christmas and new years. I got a web cam as a gift, and have now idea how to use it. Can someone tell me how to use this thing?
Finally got the car Ive been working on painted. Its a 1969 AMX. I painted it a lime green color. Ive been working on this thing for the last few months. I didnt think I was ever going to finish it. I had to replace most of the floor in it, a quarter panel, and all kinds of other dents on the car. It looks...
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nice meeting you last night... good times
you too. that was a cool show
Ive been trying to post more lately on the boards and friends blogs. Its hard to find the time with working so much the last few weeks. My girlfriend even convinced me to post some pics of myself showing a little bit of skin. Im normally pretty shy, but I finally did it for her. Hope everyone is having a good week.
Thank you. 

Getting ready to go to the DC101 Elliots Halloween Bash. They are having a costume contest and a few bands are playing. It sounds like its going to be a lot of fun. The girlfriend and I are dressing up like we are from the victorian era. Have a good weekend everyone
Im looking forward to the weekend. Going to DC for a halloween bar crawl with some friends. I cant wait to see all the costumes.
Im having a hard time trusting her. I caught her in a lie. It wasnt about anything important. What she did didnt even bother me. I was mad that she thought she had to lie about it. I think that if someone will lie about something that doesnt matter, then they will have no problem lying about something that is important. Now shes angry at...
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how long have you been with her? do you love her? if it has not been long and you aren't in love with her, move on. If you are in love with her, have a serious talk with her. tell her you care and that you need her to be honest, and make sure she knows you will not judge her for that.
shes been with me for about 7 months. I was married to someone who started lying about stuff all the time, and now Im afraid of it happening again. Aside from what happened the other day, we've been pretty happy together. We get along really well, and have lots of fun together. Ive been thinking about this since yesterday. Im not really sure what to do. Thanks to those who took the time to comment on this.
We're getting ready to go see zombieland. Then out to dinner with some friends. What a nice day to be out on the motorcycle. Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
zombieland was great. The bill murry scene was really funny.
Hey, thanks for the birthday wishes. I have to check out zombieland, everyone has been saying it's awesome.
I just set up my account on here two days ago. Ive been trying to figure out how to set up my profile and navigate this website. Hoping to meet some new people.
A fellow Virginian...well hellz yeah, dude. I hope you enjoy your account!
Welcome to Suicide Girls.
Awe. Thanks. <3 And I know i'll find better.
Awe. Thanks. <3 And I know i'll find better.